三津間 康幸
東方キリスト教世界研究 = Journal for area studies on Eastern Christianity (ISSN:24321338)
vol.4, pp.89-107, 2020-05-01

In 1942, the Japanese novelist Nakajima Atsushi published a short story titled Mojika (The Woes of Letters). The story is set in Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, immediately following the end of the revolt of Šamaš-šumu-ukīn, the brother of King Ashurbanipal. At the king's command, the scholar Nabû-aḫḫē-erība, who is also the protagonist of the story, seeks to better understand the art of writing letters and makes claims about their accursed and nonsensical nature. The protagonist's claim hurts Ashurbanipal, one of the most sophisticated rulers in the ancient world, and he responds bitterly. King Ashurbanipal orders Nabû-aḫḫē-erība to be confined to his home. For his revelations, Nabû-aḫḫē-erība inevitably dies by the retaliation from the letters. In this article, I first review recent studies and show the process behind Mojika's formation: from English and German classical (introductory) books of Ancient Near Eastern history to Nakajima's own notebooks and finally the story itself. Second, I explain why the story is dated to the twentieth year of Ashurbanipal's reign (the end of Šamaš-šumu-ukīn's revolt is generally dated to the twentyfirst year of Ashurbanipal's reign today). Some lines of Nakajima's "Notebook Six" reveal that he understood the first year of Ashurbanipal's reign as 667 BC (generally dated to 668 BC today) on the basis of the captions in the maps 2-3 of A. T. Olmstead's History of Assyria (drawn by George C. Hewes, Jr.)** and that the revolt ended in 648 BC (this dating is generally accepted even today). This led Nakajima to date the end of the revolt in the twentieth year of Ashurbanipal's reign, resulting in the one-year gap against the generally accepted date of the twenty-first year of his reign.
福田 耕佑
東方キリスト教世界研究 = Journal for area studies on Eastern Christianity (ISSN:24321338)
vol.3, pp.3-34, 2019-05-01

本稿はニコス・カザンザキス (1883-1957) がロシア期 (1925-1930) に執筆した諸作品を分析し,該当期に見られる彼の「東方」に関する思想を明らかにする。この「東方」に関する分析の中で,カザンザキスがロシアの起源を同じく「東方」に属しているギリシア・ビザンツと密接に関係づけながら描いたこと,そしてカザンザキスの理解におけるロシアの「東方性」として哲学的な側面と政治的な側面の二つが挙げられることを指摘する。加えて,カザンザキスはこのロシア期においても,思想的な主著『禁欲』の思想を根底として執筆活動を行っており,またロシア文学史の探求から彼の「ギリシア性」における重要な役割を果たすことになる「民衆」 (ο λαός) と「大地」 (η γη) の主要な概念を得たことを明らかにする。
福田 耕佑
東方キリスト教世界研究 = Journal for area studies on Eastern Christianity (ISSN:24321338)
vol.1, pp.27-45, 2017-05-01

Cet article s'occupe de l'idéé de théologico-métaphysique de Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957) et analyse son oeuvre « Ascèse » avec pour objectif de démontrer que son concept le plus important 'la Salvation de Dieu' est dérivée de la théologie orthodoxe. D'abord nous exposerons une courte biographie de Kazantzaki ainsi que le contexte historique en Grèce à cette période. Ensuite, après avoir vérifié les études pour Kazantzaki, nous analyserons « Ascèse » en nous aidant de ses autres oeuvres et comparerons l'idéé kazantzakienne avec les trois notions de la théologie orthodoxe, 'Synergie' et 'Ascension' et 'Liberté'. Cela mettra clairement en exergue la relation entre Kazantzaki , la théologie orthodoxe ainsi que le motif de la 'Salvation de Dieu'.