永海 秋三
横浜国立大学理科紀要 第ニ類 生物学・地学 (ISSN:05135613)
no.2, pp.50-58, 1953-03

1)イソギクChrysanthemum pacificum NAKAI (2n=90)について,生育地の実地調査をおこない,その地理分布上の特質を生態遺伝学的に研究しようとした。2)イソギクは分布区域を,銚子-鳥島-佐倉をむすぶ地域(北緯30°28'-35°48',東経139°09'-140°50')にもつ海岸性の本邦固有種である。イソギクの種集団は,銚子・房総・三浦・伊豆・興津・用宗・御前崎・伊豆諸島の8小集団に分けらる。この小集団間の地域には本種は分布していない。したがつてこの種集団には地理的隔離の現象がみられる。3)イソギクの植生を生態および形態的見地から分けると,海岸型・海浜型・平地型・山地型の4となり,海岸型のものが主であること,および海蝕崖では他種に対し優占的であることが明らかになつた。4)房総・伊豆両半島の個々の地点における植生量測定の結果は第3,4図に示すごとくである。イソギク生育地の全長は約471,755m,巾は約3m,その植物休の草丈は約0.5mであるから,本種の地上部の全植生量は3者の相乘積7076,325m^3となる。5)本種の分布の中心は三浦・房総両半島の南部地域と推定される。
江藤 哲人
横浜国立大学理科紀要 第ニ類 生物学・地学 (ISSN:05135613)
no.33, pp.p67-105,図4枚,表1枚, 1986-12

The late Cenozoic strata occupy the Miura Peninsula situated in the southern Kanto region. The author has been studying the geology of the Cenozoic sequence of the Miura Peninsula and the neighboring areas. The purpose of the study is to clarify the characteristics of the Cenozoic tectonics and the geologic history of the areas. The Cenozoic sequence of the peninsula consists of the Hayama, Miura, Kazusa and Sagami Groups and Alluvial sediments in ascending order. Reinvestigation was carried out by the author on the stratigraphic relationships among and within the groups, and on their tectonics in the Miura Peninsula. In the present paper, the following three themes are described; (1) the history of the geological studies of the Miura Peninsula, (2) the geologic outline of the peninsula, (3) the stratigraphy of the Hayama Group and the igneous rocks associated with the group. The Hayama Group, that is Early to Middle Miocene in age, is lithologically divided into four formations and one unit of olistostrome: namely, the Morito Formation; Abuzuru Formation including Tateishi Tuff Member that is considerd to result from pyroclastic flow deposits; Ōyama Formation; Kinugasa Muddy Olistostrome; and Yabe Formation containing Sakaguchi Tuffaceous Sandstone Member and Koyabe Tuffaceous Sandstone and Siltstone Member in ascending order. Some ultrabasic rocks are described petrographically, EPMA analysis of the minerals is shown. The author points out that the Kinugasa Muddy Olistostrome was possibly derived mostly from the Morito Formation, and partly from the Abuzuru Formation by gravity transportation of both the formations, and that most of the ultrabasic bodies and some of the basalt bodies are olistoliths respectively in the Kinugasa Muddy Olistostrome.