溝渕 利博
研究紀要 = Research bulletin (ISSN:21851786)
vol.79, pp.1-31, 2023-01-31

In medieval Japanese society, which was decentralized and pluralistic, self-salvation was a social principle. Why were the samurai able to gradually take the lead in the local community as a new social group? In this paper, I would like to clarify the trends of the Kokujin and Dogo classes, which are the middle class of local communities in the Sanuki region in the late Middle Ages, and how they played a role in the formation of human ties and community order in local communities through gift-giving and cultural performing arts activities mediated by local temples and shrines.
片倉 芳雄 Akiko KATAYAMA
研究紀要 = Research Bulletin
no.36, pp.1-8, 2005-03

水耕液のAl濃度(0,1,2,4,6,8,10mM)がラビットアイ'ホームベル'(挿し木発根苗)の生育および養分吸収に及ぼす影響を検討した.1)水耕液Al濃度の上昇は樹体生育(乾物重)を著しく阻害した.Al 6mM以上では枝葉の生長は停止し,根は褐変・壊死が,葉ではクロロシスが認められた.2)水耕液Al濃度の上昇により,P含量は枝葉で低下,K含量はAl 6mM以上で根・枝葉で低下したが,N含量は根でわずかに影響を受けたのみであった.3)Ca・Mg含量は根ではAl 1mM以上で著しく低下し,枝葉でも同様の傾向であった.4)水耕液Al濃度の上昇は根のAl含量を著しく高め,枝葉でも増加傾向であった.5)水耕液Al濃度の上昇は根のFe含量を高めたが,枝葉,特に葉では低下させた.6)水耕液Al濃度の上昇は根・枝葉,特に枝葉のMn含量を低下させた.7)水耕栽培でのAl添加はラビットアイの生育を著しく阻害するとともに,養分の異常集積や吸収低下をもたらした.
佐藤 智美 山村 滋
研究紀要 = Research bulletin (ISSN:02871033)
vol.46, pp.1-27, 2017-03

Children growing up in poverty have become a social issue worldwide and need to be helped on many levels. Research results have shown that children from disadvantaged background are at risk of ending up poor compared with children from affl uent background. A society would suffer a huge loss without any improvement in child poverty. Pathways to Education Program was developed to support disadvantaged students in Regent Park in Ontario, Canada in 2001. The program was created by the effort of Regent Park Community Health Centre to combat the low educational attainment of the youth in the community at the time. It is intended to help students from low-income families complete secondary education and go on to postsecondary education through four types of support: academic, social, financial and advocacy supports. The program largely depends on the commitments of many volunteers in the community as well as dedicated staff, who work closely with local schools and school district boards. The effectiveness of the program was revealed in a short period of time, and the program generated a wide public attention. The dropout rates in the community declined greatly and the proportion of students who moved on to post-secondary institutions increased significantly. The program has started expanding to other low-income communities across Canada. As of 2016, this integrated community-based program is delivered in 18 sites. Lately, due to the increase in reports and research on impoverished children, the Japanese society has begun to recognize reality of children living in poverty. The findings show that not only supporting disadvantaged students to enter a high school, but also preventing them from dropping out is important to eliminate individual and societal costs in the future. It has also been found that student's positive relationships with dedicated adults are effective for students to build self-esteem and confi dence, and then contribute to make their positive attitude towards school. Pathways Program and its effectiveness suggest us that community based efforts like Pathways Program with multi-faced supports help disadvantaged students expand their opportunities to pursue a brighter future.