マルギット クラウゼ 小野
no.5, pp.97-108, 2007

Behavioral values, rules and patterns of one culture are usually mirrored in its verbal communicative style. The reaction of German and Japanese soccer players to their (non)-nomination for their national teams is a rare opportunity to compare these styles in a 100% comparable setting. The main behavioral and verbal traits of each culture will be introduced and contrasted. German communicative style is direct, content-related and less situation-bound, while Japanese verbal communicative style is more indirect, clearly situation-related and refers more to the in-group. In the analysis of the verbal reaction of a total of four soccer players, it will be shown that their comments and reactions are very much in accord with the behavioral cultural exigencies of their respective cultures. The German players did not mind appearances and the Japanese players did not express their feelings directly but rather referred to their in-groups. The direct comparison of Japanese and German reactions in the same situation highlights these points clearly. It will be asserted that the overall tendencies of the two cultures, represented by soccer-players well-known in their countries, display the above mentioned differences.
クラウゼ 小野 マルギット
no.3, pp.51-81, 2004

Backchannel cues seem to exist in all languages, however backchannel behaviour differs according to language and culture. This study argues that in the research on the use of backchannel cues in L1 and L2, transfer from L2 to L1 has to be considered reciprocally; e.g. transfer of L2 Japanese backchanneling into L1 German, as well as the transfer of L2 German backchanneling into L1 Japanese. Several cross-linguistic studies have been conducted with controversial results. Some find no transfer from L2 to L1 and others do. However, none of these studies investigated reciprocally. The result of this study shows that both findings hold true. Data collected from videotaped dyads between monolingual Japanese and monolingual Germans first established the difference in the usage of backchannel cues in the two languages, with German as low and Japanese as high in the frequency of backchannel cues. Next, one long-term Japanese resident of Germany and one long-term German resident of Japan were each videotaped conversing with a monolingual speaker of their L2 and then again with a speaker of their L1. Their usage of backchannel cues in each conversation was analyzed. Participants were given a questionnaire to ascertain their awareness of differences in conversational styles. The results showed transfer from L2 Japanese on L1 German but none from L2 German on L1 Japanese. Various reasons for transfer or non-transfer of backchannel cues are presented, as well as possible measures which could incite Japanese to change backchanneling behaviour, to avoid disasters in political and economic negotiations.
松名 隆
no.5, pp.11-29, 2007

本稿は、イオル(iwor)というアイヌ語について、その意味するものを先ず文献的に辿り、さらにそれが今日の私たちに提起する問題を、二風谷ダム訴訟を提起した故・萱野茂氏( 2006 年逝去) と故・貝澤正氏( 1992 年逝去)( 以下敬称略) の言説を踏まえながら考察したものである。最初にイオルの概念について、アイヌ- カムイという対照概念が示すアイヌの世界観を踏まえて、その意味を諸文献の検討から確認し、次に、北海道におけるイオル解体の歴史的検討を行い、それと関わるニ風谷ダム裁判判決において認定されたアイヌの文化享有権について、イオルの視点からその問題点を指摘し、さらに上記のお二人が遺した言説を取り上げつつ、イオルの新しいあり方についての筆者の提言を表明する。
前田 潤
no.1, pp.41-52, 2002

ヤコブ・モレノが創始したサイコドラマで用いる技法は、基本的には独白、ロールリバース、ダブル、ミラーの4 つである。この技法を駆使することによって主役や観衆をカタルシスに至らせ、主役に新たな役割が創出されることを目的にサイコドラマは行われるのである。この小論では主役の新たな役割の創出と呼ばれる事態を、現象そのものに立ち返って学習理論の立場から捉え直すことで、サイコドラマ技法がサイコドラマで果たしている機能について検討した。この検討からロールリバース技法は、学習理論において学習Ⅱと言われる学習形態を促進する働きとして捉えられることを指摘した。