向井 智彦 栗山 繁
Proceedings - 15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Pacific Graphics 2007
vol.15th, pp.9-17, 2007

Interactive animation systems often use a level-of-detail(LOD) control to reduce the computational cost by eliminatingunperceivable details of the scene. Most methodsemploy a multiresolutional representation of animationand geometrical data, and adaptively change the accuracylevel according to the importance of each character.Multilinear analysis provides the efficient representation ofmultidimensional and multimodal data, including humanmotion data, based on statistical data correlations. Thispaper proposes a LOD control method of motion synthesiswith a multilinear model. Our method first extracts asmall number of principal components of motion samplesby analyzing three-mode correlations among joints, time,and samples using high-order singular value decomposition.A new motion is synthesized by interpolatingthe reduced components using geostatistics, where theprediction accuracy of the resulting motion is controlledby adaptively decreasing the data dimensionality. Weintroduce a hybrid algorithm to optimize the reductionsize and computational time according to the distancefrom the camera while maintaining visual quality. Ourmethod provides a practical tool for creating an interactiveanimation of many characters while ensuring accurate andflexible controls at a modest level of computational cost.