野間 敏克
The Economic Studies Quarterly (ISSN:0557109X)
vol.37, no.4, pp.336-350, 1986-12-20 (Released:2007-10-19)

This paper investigates the behavioral goal of the Japanese banks have pursued. After constructing a simple model of banking behavior, it is firstly shown that the response of the scale-maximizing banks to changes in the call rate depends on their net position, while that of the profit-maximizing ones does not. Then the proposition is empirically examined by estimating the relation between the response to changes in the call rate and their net position with the data of bank financial statements from 1965 to 1982 to find that banks in borrowed position (city banks) decreased their deposits when the call rate increased, while the banks in lending position (local banks) increased. Thus, it is concluded that the Japanese banks can be considered to maximize their scale, not their profits, for the period up to the very recent year.
大塚 啓二郎
The Economic Studies Quarterly (ISSN:0557109X)
vol.37, no.4, pp.351-372, 1986-12-20 (Released:2007-10-19)

Economic theories flourished which sought the determinants of, as well as efficiency implications of, different tenancy arrangements. Theoretical results are in many cases mutually inconsistent; while some assert the inefficiency of share contract due to the adverse incentive effects of output sharing, others emphasize the desirable function of sharecropping as a risk spreading device.In our view, theoretical conflicts arise largely from different behavioral assumptions implicit in the theoretical constructs. In this analysis an attempt is made to uncover such assumptions and to evaluate their significance on the theoretical as well as empirical grounds.Major conclusion of this survey is that among the existing theories, the first best view of the share contract under uncertainty is most consistent with the available evidence.