異文化 (ISSN:13462164)
vol.15, pp.44-129, 2014-04-01

【論文部門(学部生)】『援助はえこひいき?─孤児支援の構造分析─』( 松本ゼミ 細井咲希) 『なぜ援助から卒業できない国・地域があるのか』(松本ゼミ 桑原恭平) 『内在的解釈によるダリ絵画の分析―気持ち悪さが溢れる中で現実へ訴えるメッセージとは― 』(熊田ゼミ 山田泉絵) 『大学生が作る性教育フリーペーパー ~2013年度学生チャレンジサポート制度採択~』(堀上ゼミ 原理沙) 大学から多文化共生を考える~ムスリム学生の一日を追って~(曽ゼミ 柴田大樹、久保穂波、呉愛慶、小原育実、佐藤萌衣、永井有日、峯岸郁未) 『低迷し続ける中台関係―文化的側面に着目して―』(鈴木靖ゼミ 長野裕太) 『現代アイドル論~何故、モーニング娘。の人気が再燃しているのか?~』(島田ゼミ 菊池岳) 『なぜ豊かさの指標は作られるのか-ブータンと日本の幸福度-』(松本ゼミ 都志侑希) 『なぜ過去の教訓は活かされないのか ―ODAの評価をめぐる考察―』 (松本ゼミ 藤田稜) 『体罰と部活動について』(島田ゼミ 横井直輝) 『海ゴミ拾いボランティア~韓国人留学生たち~』(堀上ゼミ 池賢姃) 『タンザニアにおけるヒンドゥー教徒の集団形成―経済的、宗教的な視点から―』(今泉ゼミ 坂本千里) 『水野広徳~欧州訪問と反戦論への転換』(鈴木靖ゼミ 渡邉佳月) 『日本が持つソフト・パワーの可能性 国際社会から見た憲法第9条』(鈴木靖ゼミ 小林祥) 『真の平和教育について考える』(熊田ゼミ 西幸乃) 『Arduino とインターネットによる簡易通信モジュールの作成と実現』(和泉ゼミ 笹川喬介) 『唐代伝奇小説と現代ドラマの比較にみる負心文学の変容』(鈴木靖ゼミ 金子怜) 『なぜ農民の声が無視され続けたのか―ボホール島灌漑事業から見る開発援助の問題点―』(松本ゼミ 松浦未和、永瀬雄一、大石純平、須江玲奈) 『台湾人作家呉濁流~かつて日本語をもちいた作家が最後に伝えたかったこと~』(鈴木靖ゼミ 白井魁) 『ヨーロッパ地域統合(ヨーロッパ地域統合とローカル―日本における「アルザス研究」動向から)』(松本ゼミ 鵜澤光佑) 『各国のテレビゲームの背景』(島田ゼミ 齋藤秋希) 『なぜフィリピンのストリートチルドレンは減少しないのか―戦前日本の浮浪児問題との比較―』(松本ゼミ 沢木麻衣) 『キリン一番搾りから考えるヒットの秘訣』(島田ゼミ 寒川沙代子) 『インバウンドにおける情報発信と受入体制の重要性 ~和歌山県田辺市の取り組み~』(曽ゼミ 中條裕紀子、富山光樹、塩原笑美里、松浦奈々) 【論文部門(大学院生)】『シンガポールのマレー人問題への取組み -マレー知識人の挑戦と挫折-』(中島成久 市岡卓) 『1970 年代の川崎教会・青丘社を中心とした地域の在日コリアンと日立闘争を契機とした市民運動』(髙栁ゼミ 塚島順一) 『大学ピア・サポートの研修制度の提案 ―CRLAチューター研修認定を参考に―』(大嶋ゼミ 佐々木健太) 『ダルクローズメソッドからリトミックへ』(大嶋ゼミ 田邊美樹) 『日本の海外移住に関する一考察 ―1920 年代以降の国策移住にみる「集団移住」―』(今泉ゼミ 中山寛子) 『アルゼンチンの沖縄系下位世代による文化活動―Ryukyu Sapukai を例にして―』(今泉ゼミ 月野楓子) 『虚構のムーミン一家 ―『ムーミン谷の十一月』考―』(山根ゼミ 小林亜佑美) 【ポスター部門】『キネクトを用いたダイエットアプリケーション』(重定ゼミ 舩橋将人、山田くるみ、中村実帆、服部薫) 『" 美しい " 東京―あなたの足下に何が?―』(衣笠ゼミ 大澤菜摘、秋山明日香、八幡響子、高柳こずえ、千葉夏実、藤田佐和子、浜中瑞穂、八木勇太、熊谷駿希、森有沙、新海真菜、田口剛、曽我旭、矢口恵利花、佐藤福子、武澤誠、五十川里子、吉岡沙織、杉田梨香子) 『文化遺産における遺産保全と観光の共存』(佐々木直美ゼミ 原みさと、片山優衣、木村麻佑子、名波亮、野村知代、松本奈実、森田あゆみ、渡邊由季、石田恵子、居合晴菜、加藤法子、田原雅基、伴弥奈美、樋口達也、黄海玄、宮下夏実、森田あかね) 『東京どうでしょう』(曽ゼミ益子莉佳、小野広平、仲田優花、根本優希乃、小川有奈、佐野亜美、末吉優里、高瀬悠人、中野柚) 『漫画『3月のライオン』で描かれた街―「聖地巡礼」の彼方へ』(岡村ゼミ 岡崎玲良、平岩保乃香、新井大貴) 『Welcome Japan!!』(大沢ゼミ 横田一、戸部翔太、鮎川紗有里、大場梨沙、倉持碧、深谷仁美、佐々木希、田井照美、近藤かな、玉利真之介)『大学生の海外フィールドワークにおける課題』(松本ゼミ 遠藤千晶、今津健太、高橋ゆりか、馬塲咲歩、春名林) 『アート・コントロール』(山下ゼミ 中谷真依、本田沙織、大原絵理奈、沖本貴代、小嶋はるか、志賀仁美、柴屋颯季、長澤つぼみ、波田野由紀、前田涼、山口由貴、山田まゆか) 『石川県羽咋市菅池町における地域活性化活動の報告』(堀上ゼミ 松本彩、荒木栞、庄司早紀子、飯島大地、古谷宏平、斉藤ふみ、松本才佳) 『聴覚障碍者の生活の質を豊かにする支援方法の基礎研究』(甲ゼミ 廣橋ひかる、平井知明、里村優太、山口裕太、水野菜美、藤原佳奈) 『私に関係あるの?~一緒に考えたい沖縄戦~』(今泉ゼミ 佐々木美紀、中村思保、吉野紗都、海野里奈、岩泉高志) 『ePortfolio を活用した学部教育の取組み―プロジェクト2年目の現状報告』(大嶋ゼミ 大嶋良明、佐々木健太、田中勇太) 【映像部門】『透明人間の夢』(島田ゼミ 紺谷佳弘、塩田百々、依田直大) 『舞踊世界紀行』(島田ゼミ 原悠里奈) 『鏡の罪』(山根ゼミ 藤木駿、岩田駿一、岡田胡桃、岡田麻里、茂原大地、林光吉、猪野広樹、小佐野夏実、北村英士) 『わすれもの』(山根ゼミ 谷口達彦、林光吉、赤穂愛、猪野広樹、小佐野夏実、北村英士、早渕萌) 『集団自決~歴史から学ぶこと~ 』(鈴木靖ゼミ 和田望、森井みなみ、斉藤光、向田愛佳子、中島望、加藤侑里、工藤綾子、光山佳絵、吉田達也、林利奈) 『友罪』(鈴木晶ゼミ 王城星海、森田直紀、大場将也、小澤有輝、吉野拓磨、石川真衣、村瀬友希、鈴木花奈、菱木麻佐美) 『鎌倉版、ニッチを探して』(島田ゼミ 富岡恵) 『猫吉親方~またの名を下駄を履いた猫~』(山根ゼミ 早渕萌、谷口達彦、小金井貴文、近藤信太、中野愛夏、大西幸美) 『ある男の不思議な恋物語』(島田ゼミ 池田浩大、菊池岳、依田直大、佐藤薫) 映像ドキュメンタリー『東京のクラブシーン、発展か衰退か』(島田ゼミ 東井勇樹) ミュージックビデオ『Satellite - みなとまち』『ありがとうごじゃいます - DOZ』『Alcohol - CSS (LEGO ver.)』(山根ゼミ 赤穗愛、谷口達彦、早渕萌) 【インスタレーション部門】『青い球体』(熊田ゼミ 仁科瀛、河村愛、小林久美子、櫻井夏紀、白石恵梨、長谷川愛、樋口貴裕、古田佳奈子、山口夏林、平賀愛、西幸乃、岩戸信之介、大隅倖代、窪田寛大、奈良宏美、松原早紀、原萌香、山田泉絵、平山岐映、毛利優萌、蜂屋悠子、若田久枝、森紗紀子) 『アニマ~現実に潜む幻想~』(森村ゼミ 石井秀明、澤登達也、田中翠、鈴木結実、西田鈴夏、楯石洋子) 『いちめんのなのはな』(稲垣・土谷ゼミ 澤田彩香、橋田悟、池田佳穂、大内沙織、石毛卓馬、伊東いちこ、入倉優香、岩佐すみれ、小原卓人、川尻知佳、門脇智恵、竹野真央、永井美優、黛詩織、青木謙祐、石川理恵、柏川千秋、金秋りさ、北圃莉奈子、杉本理沙、羽生早織) 『スペインの歩き方』(田澤ゼミ 菅原麻里奈、脇奈々海、田中亜弥、石橋春菜、石松小百合、岩本みゆき、牛島春、小島彩) 『東京オリンピック(1964,2020)から見る日本社会の光と影』(佐々木一恵ゼミ 米本千夏、松沼春佳、北村恭兵、倉島ひかり、下山惠莉奈、野地沙織、樋口睦晃、江部綾、清水美沙、千葉かんな、内藤秀宜、長尾梨帆、平塚咲希、平安山良志、保坂拓海) 『新しい SA 先を探そう―新興国 SA― 』(輿石ゼミ 池田隼人、久保谷雄真、斉藤 拓、髙橋裕大、本多翔悟、梅野紗衣、大西優輝、小林稜、笹本康貴、鈴木智香、中川卓彌)
森村 修
異文化. 論文編 : Bulletin of the Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Hosei Univeresity (ISSN:13493256)
no.19, pp.85-109, 2018-04

The purpose of this series of papers, starting with the current work, is to critically examine metaphysics of Heidegger's philosophy of technology (Technik), and to question the kind of "arts of existence" in the Foucauldian sense. I consider the possibility of overcoming nihilism in "art (Kunst)", in contrast to "technique (Technik)", which Heidegger dealt with in a lecture on The Question Concerning Technology (Die Frage nach der Technik) (1953). Heidegger argued that "art of technology (Kunst)" provides effective way to overcome modern nihilism. Depending on his most favorite poet Friedrich Hölderlin's paradoxical words, Heidegger thought that the most critical situation should be salvaged. In other words, he believed that if our world fell into the most critical situation of nihilism due to technology (Technik), it must be saved by art of technology (Kunst). Relying on Canadian sociologist Arthur Kroker's The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism: Heidegger, Nietzsche, Marx (2004), I examine the philosophy of contemporary art and technology, in order to relativize the "art of technology (Kunst)" assumed by Heidegger and his philosophy of technology itself. Kroker argues that Heidegger's metaphysics of technology should be adopted in order to overcome the present nihilism. According to Kroker, "completed nihilism" in which nihilism is realized in a perfect form is called "hyper-nihilism." According to him, Nietzsche predicted that the age of nihilism will arrive from the 19th century to the 2nd century. Kroker characterizes the present age as the age of "a passive resentment and a suicidal will to nothingness," and "the age of the storm of nihilism." Moreover, according to Kroker, in the age of completed nihilism (hyper-nihilism) of "late modernity" in which we live, the economy, politics and even religion have undergone fundamental transformation; in our daily life "fundamental attunement (= profound boredom)" prevails. To properly illuminate the "logic which rules the culture and society" in the present age, where "the will to technology" reaches its summit, Kroker turns to Heidegger to examine the relationship between technology and (hyper-) nihilism. While the sum of Kroker's insights into Heidegger's philosophy of technology falls outside the scope of the present set of papers, I will focus on four specific points. First, I consider the metaphysics of Heidegger's philosophy of technology (in particularly, the "Bremen" lecture (1949) delivered soon after World War II, the lecture titled "Building Dwelling Thinking (Bauen Whonen Denken)" (1951) at the Darmstadt Conference, and The Question Concerning Technology (Die Frage nach der Techinik (1953)). In doing so, I primarily focus on the question of Heidegger's war responsibility and post-war responsibility that concerns his entire philosophy. I argue that Heidegger's philosophy of technology is not only related to the political aspect in his philosophy, but is also based on an "antihumanistic inhumanism." In that sense, I argue, it is problematic to criticize his philosophy from the viewpoint of "humanism." As is well-known, Heidegger suggested the possibility of overcoming "humanism" in his Über den Humanismus (Letter on Humanism) (1946). As Kroker points out, Heidegger's philosophy showed signs of the idea of the "post human." It is therefore necessary to shift the ground of the discussion from the viewpoint of "humanism" to that of "post-humanism" in order to examine Heidegger's own war responsibility and post-war responsibility. Second, I re-read Heidegger's "philosophy of technology" in the context of contemporary philosophies of technology. While contemporary philosophies or ethics of technologies seems to be based on anti-humanistic and non-humanistic post-human thought superficially, it is not as anti-humanistic as Heidegger's "philosophy of technology," and is not even non-humanistic. For example, Peter-Paul Verbeek, a contemporary philosopher of technology, discusses the ethics of technology in Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things (2011), and argues for a "moralization of technology." While he claims that his position is beyond humanism, I argue that this is not the case, and Verbeek's work is an extension of anti-humanism. I argue that his ethical position is not as radical as Heidegger's. I also examine Don Ihde's philosophy of technology, which arrives at a post-phenomenological position through a critical reading of Husserl's phenomenology and Heidegger's philosophy of technology, and influences Verbeek's ethics of technologyThird, I consider the problematic of "posthuman" thought in Heidegger's philosophy of technology. In this context, I examine Peter Sloterdijk's Rules for the Human Zoo: a response to the Letter on Humanism (1999). According to Verbeek, Sloterdijk holds a position of "postphenomenology," in which the post-human point of view is missing. However, I think the problem raised by Verbeek is not limited only to the postphenomenological position, but rather is nothing but the problem of posthumanism held by Heidegger's philosophy. As Kroker points out, the posthuman problematic is potentially included in Heidegger's metaphysical thinking of Technology. In this sense, it is necessary to consider Heidegger's philosophy of technology in order to confirm the validity of Sloterdijk's point of view. Moreover, the essence of Heidegger's "post-human" philosophy of beyond humanism is non-human (inhuman). We need to examine Heidegger's Über den Humanismus to verify the validity of Sloterdijk's criticism of Heidegger. Fourth, while Heidegger's anti-human "post-human" thinking is nonhuman, it is preparing Verbeek's optimism of "moralizing technology" in a sense. It is considered that the danger of moralization of technology also possibly exists in the future. In my opinion, the moralization of technology not only bears a mutual relationship with the politicization of technology, but also presents the danger that morality may be eroded by the political. Moreover, it should be noted that technology and the technological may possibly intervene between the ethical and the political. As Heidegger also pointed out, technology and politics are closely related, and technology itself is political. In the context of these questions, the current series of papers will address the links among the moralization of technology, the politicization of technology, as well as the aestheticization of technology. As Walter Benjamin already pointed out, the aestheticization of politics and the politicization of aesthetics arise from the same roots. Based on the dual meanings of the word technē in Greek, Heidegger interprets the German Kunst as technology on the one hand, and as art on the other hand. This inevitably results from the fact that, just as the Greek technē is inseparable from the Greek poiēsis, the German Technik (technique or technology) is inseparable from Kunst (art or technology). I argue that, though Heidegger aims to overcome hyper-nihilism through Kunst as art, it is possible that Kunst as technology will strengthen rather than overcome hyper-nihilism. This is because Kunst as technology and as art includes the possibility of generating hyper-nihilism by evoking the inseparable relationship between the aestheticization of technology and the politicization of technology. In the first paper in the series, I will focus on the first and second issues. Particularly, I first confirm the historical background that Heidegger's philosophy of technology was conceived. What is interesting to me is that Heidegger gave lectures on technology (Technik or Kunst) at some organizations deeply related to arts and crafts. For Heidegger, the problem of technology (Technik or Kunst) is closely related to the place where it is told.