井上 早央梨
異文化. 論文編 (ISSN:13493256)
vol.15, pp.155-173, 2014-04-01

井上 早央梨
異文化. 論文編 (ISSN:13493256)
no.16, pp.17-36, 2015-04

本論文は、第二次世界大戦中の、ブラジル日系移民の置かれた情勢と社会的・文化的活動の考察を目的とする。1908 年にブラジル政府と日本政府の合意のもとに始まったブラジル移民は、1930 年代に絶頂期を迎えるが、その後のブラジル政府の政策と日中戦争の開始により移民数は減少する。日本が戦争において勢力を上げることでブラジル国内での反日の傾向が強まるなか、日系移民は独自のコロニアを建設し、ブラジルで生まれた二世への日本語教育や日本文化の保持に努めた。戦前と同様に、日本への帰国を願っていた日系移民にとって、第二次世界大戦において本国日本が勝利することは、彼らの帰還のための必要条件であった。日系移民にとって第二次世界大戦期は、帰国を目標としてきたそれまでの生活から、日本の敗戦によりブラジル永住を決意するまでの転換期といえる。
田島 樹里奈
異文化. 論文編 (ISSN:13493256)
no.16, pp.93-118, 2015-04

The concept of mediatization is used by a variety of thinkers to refer to the process of structural changes in modern society that have spread through media technologies. Media not only influences general mass media, but also has the power to blur the boundaries between the private and public spheres. This article considers the philosophical relationship of mediatization to religion, rather than to the social sciences or media studies, and therefore aims to unearth the fundamental problem behind the phenomenon of "globalatinization". In order to understand the concept of mediatization, this paper begins by presenting the theory of "mediatization of religion," as argued by Stig Hjarvard. It then examines how this conceptʼs implications are too broad to be expressed by just one word. Although mediatization is often discussed as a uniquephenomenon in recent society, the philosopher Jacques Derrida had already suggested some characteristics of the mediatization of religion during the 1990s. He argued that there is an absolute singular in the power and structure of Christian mediatization, and he proposed calling this process "globalatinization." This article will consider the meaning of mediatization in reference to Derridaʼs texts. In particular, his article "All Above No Journalists!" will be examined, in its apparent Christian paradigm. In addition, Derridaʼs article "Faith and Knowledge," a text that argues that the concept of religion should be understood etymologically, where the deconstructed meaning of the word is "a persistent bond that bonds itself" will be examined. Moreover, this article will discuss Derridaʼs statement about the relationship between media and the secret as "the ab-solutum," media and spectralization as "the visible invisible," and both relationshipsʼ connection to religious structure, by referencing "Echographies of Television" and "Specters of Marx." Finally, this paper will provide a consideration of religion amidst the modern concept of mediatization.