松野 好雅
社団法人 日本流体力学会
日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 (ISSN:02863154)
vol.8, no.1, pp.3-15, 1989-03-30 (Released:2011-03-07)

A review is made on recent developments of exact methods for solving soliton equations. Among various exact methods known nowadays, we mainly survey the bilinear transformation method (BTM) initiated by R. Hirota. The essence of the BTM is illustrated concretely by applying it to the KdV equation which is a typical soliton equation.The relations of the BTM to other exact methods such as the inverse scattering method, the Backlund transformation and the Sato theory (the theory of τ function) are also discussed. Finally, some linearizable nonlinear equations are considered on the basis of the BTM.
細川 巌
社団法人 日本流体力学会
日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 (ISSN:02863154)
vol.24, no.6, pp.641-642, 2005-12-25 (Released:2011-03-07)

This is a live voice of the late Professor Imai who spoke of “Miscellanea on Fluid Dynamics” in the first meeting of the Fluid Dynamicist Circle (over West Tokyo) at University of Electro-Communications in November, 1995. He began with how difficult it is to understand pressure in flow, mentioning Cisotti's paradox, and stressed that the force on an object in flow should be considered as the momentum flux of the flow absorbed by it. In connection with this, various interesting stories he experienced were interwoven.

1 0 0 0 OA 講演記録

山口 昌哉
社団法人 日本流体力学会
nagare (ISSN:02867540)
vol.6, no.1, pp.25-33, 1974 (Released:2011-03-07)
嶋脇 聡 龍前 三郎 清水 優史
社団法人 日本流体力学会
日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 (ISSN:02863154)
vol.19, no.4, pp.280-281, 2000-08-30 (Released:2011-03-07)

The flow downstream to a contraction in a tube with bleeding flow was investigated by numerical analysis. The bleeding flow was orthogonally induced with tube axis from circumferential entrance. In the analysis, axisymmetrical and laminar flow was assumed.The calculated results were analyzed with respect to the following three parameters.· ratio Qb/Q of bleeding flow rate Qb to that of flow from contraction Q. · relative position of reattachment point of stream from the contraction and bleeding point.· ratio d/D of diameter of the contraction d to that of down stream tube D. From the results, it was clarified that all these parameters had the influence on the flow downstream to the contraction and pressure loss caused by bleeding flow. The pressure loss by bleeding flow could be lowered by decreasing of Qb/Q, setting the bleeding point far downstream to the contraction, and by increasing of d/D. Moreover, by normalizing the dimension of settings by Reynolds number in the contraction, the similarities of flow and of pressure distribution alone the tube wall were shown.