国際日本研究 = International and advanced Japanese studies (ISSN:21860564)
vol.12, pp.137-153, 2020-02

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster led to catastrophic environmental and economic consequences in Japan, leading to a temporary shift in public attitudes towards nuclear energy not only in Japan but globally. In 2011, the Japanese DPJ-led government gained worldwide attention for their plan to phaseout.However, while some countries seized the opportunity to transition away from nuclear energy and to expand the use of renewable energy sources, the succeeding Japanese government eventually decided to restart nuclear plants in 2012 and to continue to rely on nuclear energy in its energy mix for the time being, despite growing public distrust in the safety of nuclear facilities.In this article, we will present the results of a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the contexts and framings of nuclear phase-out by contrasting data from one newspaper (Yomiuri Shinbun) and social media (Twitter) in the period of 2011-2014. Our analysis not only shows the growing media convergence between social media and the mass media and thus their close interrelatedness but also instances in whichsocial media has become more influential than the legacy media outlets.
津城 寛文 Hirofumi TSUSHIRO
国際日本研究 = Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies (ISSN:21860564)
no.12, pp.91-104, 2020

どの文化の土台にも、地理的な初期条件と、歴史的なプロセスによって育まれてきた指向性があり、諸条件が整った時、ほかの文化では及び難い、「頂点文化」と呼び得るものに達することがある。日本の伝統的感性の一面として指摘されている「省略」「暗示」「簡素」「凝縮」「集中」等々の特徴は、現代的なキーワードではミニマリズムとも呼ぶことができ、「能」「茶道」「武士道」「神道」「和歌」などの頂点文化では、それらが極限まで追及されて、西洋の魅惑に対峙しうる価値を達成している。能の「居グセ」は、典型的な凝縮の達成である。茶道では、所作や道具を切り詰めて、禅的な美が目指される。武士道では、武力の極致において、相互の武力が無化される。神道では、神意の前に私意が無化される。そして、すべての頂点文化の頂点で、三十一文字の和歌が詠まれる。これらの頂点文化は、達人が敢えて力量を秘めて、表現を抑制するという、世界史でも稀有な文化である。他方、それが形骸化すると、もともと無能な者が何もしないという、戯画を呈する。すでに高みを極め、現代ではおもに文化財的なものになっている頂点文化を、人類の遺産として保存するだけではなく、環境や人材その他の条件を得て、将来に向けて再生し、刷新し、創生し、新たな高みに達することが期待される。Every culture with its own fundamental orientation cultivated by geographical initial conditions and historical processes, may attain some stages at its beneficial points and surpass other cultures, which I call 'peak culture.' Some characteristics are often noted as Japanese innate aesthetics, such as abbreviation, suggestion, simplicity, condensation, concentration and so on, which may be interpreted 'minimalism' in contemporary world. Peak cultures such as No-drama, Sado-tea-ceremony, Bushido-warrior's way, Shinto-religion and Waka-poetry have pursued the ideals to the utmost limit, and achieved sufficient valuescompeting with Western fascination. 'Iguse' in No-drama is typical achievement of concentration. Sado-tea-ceremony aims at Zen-Buddhistic beauty with least manipulations and items. In Shinto-religion, private willingness must be nulled in the presence of Divinity. And at the peak of all peak cultures, Waka-poetry is recited in thirtyone syllables. These peak cultures, achieved by gifted, trained and concentrated virtuosi with minimum performances, are rarely observed in the world history, and might lapse into mere farces that incompetent people do nothing.The peak cultures have attained respective peaks once and now may remain mainly as cultural properties. We could expect, however, to regenerate, innovate, create and exalt them to new heights, with beneficial environments, gifted persons and other conditions, instead of merely preserving them as human heritages.
国際日本研究 = International and advanced Japanese studies (ISSN:21860564)
vol.11, pp.1-21, 2019-02

To date, the issue of multilateral cooperation between Japan and Central Asian countries has not been widely covered by the international academic community. Indeed, the absence of this particular research casts doubt on the existence of initial publications about the presence of a full-fledged Japanese foreign policy strategy in Central Asia. Nowadays, in a narrow sense, the "Central Asia plus Japan" dialogue is the only dialogue platform between Japan and Central Asia. The dialogue is also a unique example of how Japan and the Central Asian republics cooperate on critical issues of the regional and international agenda. The present article is aimed at evaluating the current role of the" Central Asia plus Japan" dialogue from the Japanese perspective. The goal is to examine the activities of the dialogue from 2004 to 2018, starting with key stages in the formation of Japanese strategy towards Central Asia (1991?2018), including those that led to the creation of the dialogue. Constructivism is the primary theoretical framework used in this thesis, drawing on the sub-theory of "conference diplomacy" for a more in-depth analysis of the dialogue as a communication mechanism. The research questions were answered by the author using discourse analysis and desk research of relevant documents belonging to the dialogue, including speeches, presentations and outcome documents. In addition, the author conducted several interviews with former officials and scholars who directly participated in the dialogue's formation. The uniqueness of the present work lies in the fact that the case of the "Central Asia plus Japan" dialogue has not been considered before in such detail. This study helps reveal the essence of the dialogue, including its principles and modus operandi. The author also could trace the process of the transformation of the dialogue and its perception from the Japanese perspective. Through this, the author found specific "norms" which guide the multilateral nature of Central Asia-Japan cooperation.