白石 裕子 則包 和也
香川県立保健医療大学紀要 (ISSN:13495720)
vol.1, pp.117-122, 2004

Historically, treatments for severe mental illness such as schizophrenia have been thought of as solely a biological preserve. However, over the last decade there have been very positive advances in the development of non-drug or psychosocial treatments. Psychosocial treatments can be divided into three general categories. These are : (1) family intervention ; (2) cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychotic symptoms ; and (3) early monitoring of signs and early intervention. In Particular, cognitive-behavior therapy was first used by Beck in the treatment of depression and over the years has also come to be used in treating a various psychiatric disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and developmental disorders. A number of cognitive-behavioral treatment methods for schizophrenia have been described such as : 1) cognitive therapy with a normalizing rationale, 2) focusing, 3) coping strategies enhancement, 4) comprehensive cognitive-behavioral therapy. In this paper we briefly review recent studies on these methods, their effects and the history of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Furthermore, we examine directions in the practice of cognitive behavior therapy by nurses based on documents from Japan and other countries in order to determine their application to the field of nursing
南 貴子 Takako Minami
香川県立保健医療大学雑誌 = Journal of Kagawa Prefectural University of Health Sciences (ISSN:18841872)
vol.13, pp.19-27, 2022-03-18

オーストラリアでは,2017 年にビクトリア州で安楽死を認める「自発的幇助自死法(Voluntary Assisted Dying Act )」が成立した.2019 年には,西オーストラリア州において,さらに2021 年には,タスマニア州と南オーストラリア州においても同様の法律が成立した.それらの法律(以下VAD法と総称する)では,各州に住む18 歳以上で,意思決定能力があり,耐え難い苦痛を抱える,余命の限られた末期患者に対して,自ら命を絶つために医師に致死薬を要請する権利が認められる. 1995 年には,オーストラリア・北部準州において,世界で初めて「医師による患者の積極的安楽死並びに自殺幇助」を認めるRights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT)(ROTTIA )が制定された.しかし,ROTTIA を無効にする連邦法Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth) の成立によって,施行後9 か月でその効力を失った.その後,多くの安楽死法案が各州の議会に提出されたが,議会を通過しなかった.ROTTIA の無効後,20 年を経てビクトリア州でVAD 法が成立した. ビクトリア州では,患者本人による致死薬の自己投与を原則とすること,意思決定能力を持っていること,医師から自発的幇助自死(VAD)についての話を始めるのを禁じることなど,厳しい制限が設けられた.本稿では,オーストラリアの4 州で成立したVAD法の特徴を比較分析し,VAD の法制化の進展と法制化に伴う課題を明らかにする. In Australia, the state of Victoria passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (“VAD Act ”) in 2017, which allows terminally ill patients to avail of physician-assisted death using a lethal substance. Victoria’s enactment of the law was followed by the passage of similar laws in states of Western Australia in 2019, and Tasmania and South Australia in 2021. According to each state’s VAD legislation, if one has decision-making capacity regarding VAD and is suffering intolerably from an advanced and progressive medical condition expected to cause death within the prescribed timeframe, residents 18 years and older are allowed the right to access VAD. In 1995, the Northern Territory of Australia was the first in the world to legislate the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) “( ROTTIA”), which allows physician-assisted voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide. However, it was in effect only for nine months until the Commonwealth’s enactment of the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth) nullified the territory’s legislation on VAD. After two decades and numerous unsuccessful attempts by each state to pass the VAD legislation since the invalidation of ROTTIA , Victoria finally passed its VAD Act . Victoria’s VAD Act establishes rigorous safeguards, including the requirement of patient’s selfadministration of the lethal substance by default, sound decision-making capacity as the eligibility criteria, and prohibition of medical practitioners from initiating discussion about VAD with their patients. This paper clarifies the legislative progress and the issues surrounding VAD legislation in Australia through a comparative analysis of the characteristics of VAD legal systems in the four Australian states.
宮本 政子 舟越 和代 中添 和代 時岡 恵美 森 美代子 渋谷 幸彦
香川県立医療短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13455257)
vol.2, pp.115-121, 2000

The purpose of this paper is to report on the present condition and the factor of uneasiness of mother for child-rearing, especially of infant. Questionnaire about uneasiness for child-rearing were distributed to 215 mothers with infants, and 147 answers were collected. The following results were obtained through the analysis of the answers. 1) In the group of mothers who feel child-rearing uneasy more than the other group, their husbands usually come home later than the other group, and the mothers in the group feel the lack of child care by their husbands. 2) This tendency is remarkable among the mothers who have no special work and have two or more children. It may be partly because they have few friends with whom they can talk frankly. The analysis of the questionnaire showed mothers with infants have expected to talk about matters in the daily life with infants more than special topics in the childrearing, but there are few places to communicate where they can speak freely each other. We suggest in this paper that health professionals have to consider offering the place of communication for such mothers.
稲富 健一郎
香川県立保健医療大学紀要 (ISSN:13495720)
vol.2, pp.1-10, 2005

This commentary is Romantic in its emphasis on the analysis of Petruchio, the main character of the play. Hazlitt was one of the earliest Romantic commentators to explore Petruchio's taming method. Hazlitt as well as other celebrated commentators, such as D. Wilson, J. Wilders, M. Charney, and V. L. Cahn, havereferred to it, and most of the attention is devoted to Petruchio's strength of will, his detachment from his own emotions, and his scheme to tame Kate. It is based on a series of inversions calculated to astonish, overwhelm and teach her, which work as a mirror to reflect her own behaviour. Petruchio exerts not only a moral discipline, but also adopts a strategy of physical discipline similar to that in which falcons are trained through sleep deprivation, hunger and observation. Related to this theme, this paper also traces how Katharina was cured of her waywardness by use of these methods.