Swanson Mark S. Huang Justin C. Physics Department University of Missouri Physics Department National Central University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.58, no.1, pp.p113-127, 1977-07

We demonstrate that the finite temperature effective potential methods used in φ^4 field theory to study the symmetry behavior can be successfully applied to magnon fields. The Heisenberg Hamiltonian is converted into field theoretical form by the use of the Holstein-Primakoff transformations and continuum limit methods. Diagrammatic procedures are utilized to calculate the effective potential to the two-loop approximation. The critical temperature is determined by locating the point where the symmetry is restored. In constrast with φ^4 theory, the gauge symmetry is broken above the critical point and is restored below the critical point. Both high and low temperature approximations are utilized.
Ito Yukio Faculty of Education Fukushima University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.87, no.5, pp.p1299-1304, 1992-05

Assuming σ=τ=±π/2 and m_um_d≪m_tm_b, ReΔ_<31>>0, ReΔ_<22><0 and m_t^<phy><93 GeV are suggested, where σ, τ denote two fundamental phases in the Fritzsch-type quark mass matrix and Δ_<iα> stands for U_<jβ>U_<kγ>U*_<jγ>U*_<kβ> in terms of the quark mixing matrix elements U_<ij>. Further &mid;U_<21>/U_<12>, &mid;U_<13>/U_<23>&mid; and ImΔ_<iα> are discussed.
Persides S. Ioannides I. Department of Astronomy University of Thessaloniki Department of Astronomy University of Thessaloniki
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.58, no.3, pp.829-841, 1977-09-25

The behavior of asymptotically flat Einstein-Maxwell fields is studied in generalized coordinates u, r, θ and φ that become null-spherical only at infinity. The field equations satisfied by the metric and the electromagnetic tensors are derived in the first and second approximations, i.e., for the first and second non-zero powers of r^<-1> in the Einstein and Maxwell equations. The peeling property of the tetrad components of the Weyl and the electromagnetic tensors is established for arbitrary tetrad. From the Landau-Lifshitz complex the energy and linear momentum radiated per unit time by the gravitational and the electromagnetic fields are expressed in terms of the gravitational and electromagnetic news functions in the generalized coordinates. Finally the transformations which preserve the form of the metric are examined.
Michel Francis Ohkubo Shigeo Reidemeister Guy
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (ISSN:03759687)
vol.132, pp.7-72, 1999-03-26

We review the merits of the local potential approach in the description of elastic alphaparticle scattering and of alpha-cluster structure in medium-weight nuclei. We recall how optical model analyses of elastic scattering angular distributions, displaying an anomalous large angle enhancement, yielded unique optical potentials, whose real part is determined with good accuracy up to small internucleus distances, and we investigate their properties; we then analyze the general compatibility of these potentials with the microscopic requirements resulting from the constraints due to antisymmetrization, in the case of a system which was thoroughly investigated from a microscopic point of view, and whose spectroscopy is well agreed upon, that is, the ^<20>Ne=α+^<16>O system. The local potential approach is then applied to the ^<44>Ti=α+^<40>Ca system-which is the analogue of ^<20>Ne in the fp-shell-whose α-cluster spectroscopy remained unclear for a long time and for which microscopic calculations led to contradictory interpretations; not only does this simple model give a nice account of the energy location and intraband electromagnetic transition probabilities for the members of the ^<44>Ti ground state band, but it predicts the existence of excited alpha-cluster bands, which were subsequently identified experimentally in alpha-transfer experiments. The same approach is applied to the ^<40>Ca=α+^<36>Ar system, where similar predictions have recently been confirmed experimentally, and to other systems close to the sd-shell closure region. Finally the persistence of alpha-cluster structure in medium-weight and heavy nuclei is discussed within the local potential approach.
FermilabE653Collaboration USHIDA N. MOKHTARANI A. PAOLONE V.S. VOLK J.T. WILCOX J.O. YAGER P.M. EDELSTEIN R.M. FREYBERGER A.P. GIBAUT D.B. LIPTON R.J. NICHOLS W.R. POTTER D.M. RUSS J.S. ZHANG C. ZHANG Y. JANG H.I. KIM J.Y. KIM T.I. LIM I.T. PAC M.Y. BALLER B.R. STEFANSKI R.J. NAKAZAWA K. CHUNG K.S. CHUNG S.H. KIM D.C. PARK I.G. PARK M.S. SONG J.S. YOON C.S. CHIKAWA M. ABE T. FUJII T. FUJIOKA G. FUJIWARA K. FUKUSHIMA H. HARA T. TAKAHASHI Y. TARUMA K. TSUZUKI Y. YOKOYAMA C. CHANG S.D. CHEON B.G. CHO J.H. KANG J.S. KIM C.O. KIM K.Y. KIM T.Y. LEE J.C. LEE S.B. LIM G.Y. NAM S.W. SHIN T.S. SIM K.S. WOO J.K. ISOKANE Y. TSUNEOKA Y. AOKI S. GAUTHIER A. HOSHINO K. KITAMURA H. KOBAYASHI M. MIYANISHI M. NAKAMURA K. NAKAMURA M. NAKAMURA Y. NAKANISHI S. NIU K. NIWA K. NOMURA M. TAJIMA H. YOSHDA S. ARYAL M. DUNLEA J.M. FREDERIKSEN S.G. KURAMATA S. LUNDBERG B.G. OLEYNIK G.A. REAY N.W. REIBEL K. SIDWELL R.A. STANTON N.R. MORIYAMA K. SHIBATA H. KALBFLEISCH G.R. SKUBIC P. SNOW J.M. WILLIS S.E. KUSUMOTO O. NAKAMURA K. OKUSAWA T. TERANAKA M. TOMINAGA T. YOSHIDA T. YUUKI H. OKABE H. YOKOTA J. ADACHI M. KAZUNO M. NIU E. SHIBUYA H. WATANABE S. OHTSUKA I. SATO Y. TEZUKA I. BAHK S.Y. KIM S.K. Aichi University of Education Aichi University of Education University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Gifu University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Kinki University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University Okayama University Okayama University University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Wonkwang University Wonkwang University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.89, no.3, pp.679-696, 1993-03-25

We report on the characteristics of 9 bb^^- pair events produced by a 600 GeV/c π^- beam and detected in the hybrid emulsion spectrometer of Fermilab experiment E653. The measured lifetimes for samples of 12 neutral and 6 charged beauty hadrons are τ_<b^0>=0.81^<+0.34+0.08'>_<-0.22-0.02> ps, and τ_<b^±>=3.84^<+2.73+0.80>_<-1.36-0.16> ps.
Yasue Kunio Department of Physics Kyoto University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.57, no.1, pp.p318-328, 1977-01

Assuming that the space-time consists of elementary domains proposed by Yukawa, we attempt to extend the stochastic quantization procedures introduced by Nelson in the non-relativistic case to the relativistic one. In our view, the conventional Minkowski structure of space-time is to reflect the macroscopic property, so that it may be derived from our stochastic formulation as its continuum limit. The relativistic wave equation is set up to describe the behavior of successive inter-elementary-domain transitions of an excitation. It is found that the equation is of the Fock-Nambu-Feynman type.
Nishijima Kazuhiko Okawa Masanori Department of Physics University of Tokyo Department of Physics University of Tokyo
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.60, no.1, pp.p272-283, 1978-07
1 34

In this article we introduce the Becchi-Rouet-Stora transformation for the gravitational field and the corresponding charge that plays an essential role in proving the unitarity of the S-matrix for the gravitational field.