坂本 千科絵 李 温九 Chikae SAKAMOTO Onkoo RHEE 京都文教短期大学 名古屋経済大学 Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College Nagoya University of Economics
京都文教短期大学研究紀要 = The Kenkyu kiyo (ISSN:03895467)
vol.52, pp.141-146, 2014-03-12

石田 洋 古澤 一思 牧野 高志 石坂 丞二 渡邉 豊 Hiroshi Ishida Kazusi Furusawa Takashi Makino Joji Ishizaka Yutaka W. Watanabe 株式会社環境総合テクノス 株式会社日本海洋生物研究所 株式会社ケーズブレインズ 名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院 The General Environmental Technos Co. Ltd. Marine Biological Research Institute of Japan Co. Ltd. K's Brains Co. Ltd. Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) Nagoya University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.25, no.2, pp.17-41, 2016-03-15

西部北太平洋亜熱帯海域の定点(北緯22.5度,東経131.8度)で,2004年から2006年の各年の夏季に,調査地点の500km以内に台風が通過した後の10日以内におこなわれた植物プランクトン群集組成の調査結果を解析した。2006年の台風はEWINIARとBILISで,最接近時の移動速度がそれぞれ2.8と4ms^<-1>であり,2004年のKOMPUS(6.5ms^<-1>)と2005年のHAITANG(7.9ms^<-1>)に比べて遅かった。人工衛星による観測では,2006年のこれらの台風が通過した後,海表面水温が低下し,クロロフィルaが調査地点を含む広範囲において増加していた。また,植物プランクトンが増加しており,優占種はPlanktoniella solで,細胞数は4×10^<7> cells m^<-2>であり,2004年(1×10^5 cells m^<-2>)と2005年(5×10^4 cells m^<-2>)に比べて2-3桁高かった。さらに,シアノバクテリアおよびバクテリアの炭素態現存量も,2004年と2005年に比べ約2倍高かった。同じ地点で2002年12月から2005年7月まで実施したセジメントトラップによる沈降粒子観測では,台風の影響と考えられる変動はみられなかった。Phytoplankton communities and carbon biomass were investigated at 22.5°N, 131.8°E in the western North Pacific subtropical region between 2004 and 2006 within 10 days of a typhoon passing within 500km of the survey point. The typhoons of 2006 were EWINIAR and BILIS. The translation speeds of these typhoons at the nearest area from the survey point were 2.8 and 4 m s^<-1>, respectively slower than that of 2004's typhoon KOMPUS (6.5 m s^<-1>) and 2005's typhoon HITANG (7.9 m s^<-1>). After the 2006 typhoons, the sea surface water temperature decreased, and the chlorophyll-a increased over a wide area, including the investigation point. The number of diatoms in 2006 increased, and the carbon biomass was 5-10 times higher compared with 2004 and 2005. The dominant species of diatom was Planktoniella sol with 4×10^7 cells m^<-2> which was considerably higher than the cell density 2004 (1×10^5 cells m^<-2>) and 2005 (5×10^4 cells m^<-2>). 2006 carbon biomass of the cyanobacteria and bacteria was twice as high as that of other years. The settling particle flux after a specific typhoon was not increased, in contrast with the hypothesis we derived from the increasing biomass data.
FermilabE653Collaboration USHIDA N. MOKHTARANI A. PAOLONE V.S. VOLK J.T. WILCOX J.O. YAGER P.M. EDELSTEIN R.M. FREYBERGER A.P. GIBAUT D.B. LIPTON R.J. NICHOLS W.R. POTTER D.M. RUSS J.S. ZHANG C. ZHANG Y. JANG H.I. KIM J.Y. KIM T.I. LIM I.T. PAC M.Y. BALLER B.R. STEFANSKI R.J. NAKAZAWA K. CHUNG K.S. CHUNG S.H. KIM D.C. PARK I.G. PARK M.S. SONG J.S. YOON C.S. CHIKAWA M. ABE T. FUJII T. FUJIOKA G. FUJIWARA K. FUKUSHIMA H. HARA T. TAKAHASHI Y. TARUMA K. TSUZUKI Y. YOKOYAMA C. CHANG S.D. CHEON B.G. CHO J.H. KANG J.S. KIM C.O. KIM K.Y. KIM T.Y. LEE J.C. LEE S.B. LIM G.Y. NAM S.W. SHIN T.S. SIM K.S. WOO J.K. ISOKANE Y. TSUNEOKA Y. AOKI S. GAUTHIER A. HOSHINO K. KITAMURA H. KOBAYASHI M. MIYANISHI M. NAKAMURA K. NAKAMURA M. NAKAMURA Y. NAKANISHI S. NIU K. NIWA K. NOMURA M. TAJIMA H. YOSHDA S. ARYAL M. DUNLEA J.M. FREDERIKSEN S.G. KURAMATA S. LUNDBERG B.G. OLEYNIK G.A. REAY N.W. REIBEL K. SIDWELL R.A. STANTON N.R. MORIYAMA K. SHIBATA H. KALBFLEISCH G.R. SKUBIC P. SNOW J.M. WILLIS S.E. KUSUMOTO O. NAKAMURA K. OKUSAWA T. TERANAKA M. TOMINAGA T. YOSHIDA T. YUUKI H. OKABE H. YOKOTA J. ADACHI M. KAZUNO M. NIU E. SHIBUYA H. WATANABE S. OHTSUKA I. SATO Y. TEZUKA I. BAHK S.Y. KIM S.K. Aichi University of Education Aichi University of Education University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Gifu University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Kinki University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University Okayama University Okayama University University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Wonkwang University Wonkwang University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.89, no.3, pp.679-696, 1993-03-25

We report on the characteristics of 9 bb^^- pair events produced by a 600 GeV/c π^- beam and detected in the hybrid emulsion spectrometer of Fermilab experiment E653. The measured lifetimes for samples of 12 neutral and 6 charged beauty hadrons are τ_<b^0>=0.81^<+0.34+0.08'>_<-0.22-0.02> ps, and τ_<b^±>=3.84^<+2.73+0.80>_<-1.36-0.16> ps.
吉田 友敬 中西 智子 Tomoyoshi Yoshida Satoko Nakanishi 名古屋大学大学院人間情報学研究科 三重大学教育学部 Graduate School of Human Informations Nagoya University School of Education Mie University
情報文化学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Information-culture Society (ISSN:13406531)
vol.3, no.1, pp.43-50, 1996-11-01

音楽において, リズムのゆらぎは, 音楽の流れに乗ることや, 音楽的感動にとって大切な要素である。このゆらぎの本質的な要因は何であるか。特にゆらぎのスペクトル解析に関しては, 武者等の研究がある。その中で, メトロノーム等に合わせることなく, 自由に拍打ちをする, フリータッピングにおいて, 1/fゆらぎが見出されている。本研究では, この方向を発展させて, 実際の楽曲に合わせて拍打ちをする実験を行った。その結果, 新たに1/fゆらぎが見出され, 人間的なリズムのゆらぎが私たちの感性に対して重要な意味を担っていることが推測される。また, いくつかの例において, リズムのゆらぎと引き込み同調の関連が示唆される。
Nagoya University Library 名古屋大学附属図書館

南太平洋に浮かぶ島国 - ニュージーランド。豊かな自然をもつこの国の社会や政治、教育について調べてみましょう。
Nagoya University Library 名古屋大学附属図書館
2005-10-07 (Released:2005-10-07)
Nagoya University Library 名古屋大学附属図書館
2005-10-07 (Released:2005-10-07)
今津 孝次郎 Imazu Kojiro 名古屋大学 Nagoya University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.5-17, 1988-10-03

This paper consists of two parts. The first part describes how the situation of teachers in Japan has changed from 1970's to 1980's. The second part points out what kinds of problems we have concerning the study of teachers. Firstly, the changing situation of teachers can be described from the following points of view: (1) educational expansion which was brought about by a high rate ecomomic growth; (2) pathological phenomena in education such as vandalism, bullying and delinquency which have been criticized by public opinion; (3) governmental educational policies which intend to improve the quality of teachers; (4) a political teacher union, though its menbership rate has been declining, which is against those educational policies; and (5) arguments with regard to teacher role and teacher evaluation. The changing situation demands us reconsider the concept of professionalism in teaching. Secondly, considering that teachers are facing the turning point, we can point out two major problems of the study of teachers. They are as follows: (1) The basic feature of the teaching profession is characterized by "marginality." It comes from a nature of teacher role, that is, the inconsistency between professional and bureaucratic-employee roles on the one hand, and the role of the stranger in the community on the other hand. This marginality is supposed to cause the role conflicts and the loneliness of teachers. (2) Teachers are learners because they have to acquire much more knowledge and skills, and change their attitude toward a new role in a world of rapid change. There are two phases in teacher education. They are pre-service training and in-service training and the latter is more important for teachers as life-long learners.

1 0 0 0 IR 教員養成

潮木 守一 Ushiogi Morikazu 名古屋大学 Nagoya University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.78-90, 1973-10-15

After the World War II, the teacher training system in Japan was reorganized and all of the higher education institutions including junior colleges were authorized to issue the centificate for teacher under the condition to claim students a few units for the professional studies of the principle of education and educational psychology, and a few weeks for teaching practice. This system is called "open system". Besides this open system, however, teacher training colleges still exist and have supplied most of teachers in the elementary schools and some in the lower secondary schools. This open system has been criticized mainly by governmental committees, for instance, Central Advisory Committee for Education and Advisory Committee for Teacher Training System, because of the overissue of teacher's certificates and the loose and less substantial training of teachers. Although Governmental Committees have tried several times to level up and to make strict the minimum standard of certification, these trials have always failed with the opposition of various interest groups including teacher's unions. They have insisted that those reforms should lead to increase of the governmental control over the higher education, to less opportunities for students of universities and colleges other than teacher training colleges to obtain certificates for teachers, and as a result to the revival of the normal school in the pre-war period, which had been under the strict governmental jurisdiction. The main problem seems to find how to coordinate the contradictory interests between teacher training college and other institutions of higher education by avoiding the governmental control over the higher education, especially over the teacher training colleges.