平井 涼
Schelling-Gesellschaft Japan
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.30, pp.74, 2022 (Released:2022-06-29)

Der Zweck dieser Abhandlung ist es, die Rolle des „Körpers“ beim Novalis’schen Denken von den „Fichte-Studien“ (1795/96) über die „Vorarbeiten zu verschiedenen Fragmentsammlungen“ (1798) bis zu „Das Allgemeine Brouillon“ (1798/99) zu erörtern. Im Ergebnis ist festzuhalten: 1) In dem Körper kreuzen die Kräfte des Geistes und der Natur sich innig durch. 2) Der Geist kontrolliert den Körper und führt ihn zum idealen Zustand, dabei geht es um das Prinzip der „Ökonomie“,das die Kräfte recht verteilt und ordnet. 3) Der Körper ist von der Plastizität, durch die er seine unendliche Möglichkeit entfaltet und erweitert.
Fernando WIRTZ
Schelling-Gesellschaft Japan
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.28, pp.63-73, 2020 (Released:2020-10-13)

Although it is usually acknowledged within the Schelling scholarship that the most important formulation for the concept of Angst was given by Schelling in his Freedom essay (AA I, 17, 149 / SW VII, 381), this word also appears with some frequency throughout his mythological texts, particularly in his Historical-Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology and in the second book of his Philosophy of Mythology (also called The Mythology). In the first one, Schelling refers to the Angst when describing the catastrophe that led to the division of the still undifferentiated humanity into peoples (Völker). There he speaks of the fear (Angst) of losing the original unity with nature, explaining how humans in reaction to this fear created the first religious and social institutions (SW XI, 115). We can find this idea again in his Philosophy of Mythology. In his treatment of Zoroastrianism, for example, Schelling explains the figure of the mother (Urania) as a shelter for the consciousness against the “angustia” from dissolution (SW XII, 211). In addition, Schelling also speaks of the “Gottesangst” (SW XII, 300) created in the consciousness by the conflict of the two confronting divine potencies (B and A2). In this sense, the condition of consciousness itself during the mythological process could be seen as a “feeling of uncertainty” (Gefühl von Zweifelhaftigkeit) (SW XII, 300), an expression that also resembles the existential concept of Angst that will be so important during the 20th century. Starting out from these reflections, the purpose of this article is to investigate a possible relation between Schelling’s enunciation of the Angst in his Freedom essay and his Philosophy of Mythology. We will argue that this continuity is not just terminologically pertinent, but also that the formulation in the Philosophy of Mythology can be seen as a coherent philosophical result of the Angst (product of the original sin) as described in the Freedom essay.