金 銀眞
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.609, pp.209-214, 2006-11-30 (Released:2017-02-17)

The aim of this paper is to clarify how the urban space of the Central Seoul, especially the Jong-Ro area and Kwoang-Hwoa-Mun District, was changing during the middle and later colonial period. Newspapers and official records of the Governor-General of Chosen are the primary materials. The analysis consists of 2 distinct dimensions: (1)the beginning of urban planning and the process of its change (2) the repair of roads in those districts. The analysis shows following conclusions. (1) From the middle colonial period, the urban planning projects were carried out in Seoul based on the urban policy, whereas the Ordinance for Street Planning in Chosen and those urban planning projects had almost nothing to do with each other. (2) The urban planning meant the road repair planning at that time.


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@kotonoha_s 都市周辺部の開発抑制からは離れますが、京城府時代の都市計画について、こんな論文を見つけました。 https://t.co/4XS6mPUYTd 地下鉄の建設計画もあったとか。建設されていたら名古屋よりも先に当時の日本3番目の地下鉄が開業していたことになりますね。

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