清水 擴
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.208, pp.77-83,89, 1973-06-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The Hokkedo has not been thought to belong to Jodokyo architecture. But people had to repent of their sins in order to go to Jodo. The Hokkedo was very closely related to the Jodokyo since it was a place for penance. Goshirakawa, the retired emperor, seems to have been the first to use the Hokkedo as one's mausoleum. He gave different functions to Hokkedo and Sembodo, which had been originally the same thing; the former, as one's mausoleum, the latter, as a place for penance. The reason for this was due to his enthusiastic belief in the Hokkekyo, while he did not give credence to the dogma of the Jodokyo.


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(参照) 〇中尊寺金色堂考 https://t.co/YV2b4ckC1i 〇墓所堂としての仏堂建築 https://t.co/MAbix5jOnQ 〇法華堂について https://t.co/QcTtKnhnbo

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