福島 正義
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.10, no.3, pp.7-13, 1978-03-05 (Released:2012-11-27)

General principles of Mitogaku exist in the next phrases.1. Loyalty and filial piety is peerless.2. No distriction between pen and sword,3. Reverence and respect confusianisum.4. Scholarly persuits make efficacy as others.I will state above mentioned phrase No.2 expressly.1) No distriction between pen and sword.What is the “no distriction between pen and sword.” Pen without sword is not signify the pen, sword without pen is not signify the sword.Anybody be materialized of these, main mankind is follows.Mr. Mitsukuni Mito-Feudal clan's lord.Mr. Nariaki Tokugawa-Feudal clan's lord. Mr. Toko Fujita-The scholar is splended one.By Mr. Nariaki's Tokugawa order, Kodokanjutsugi (the greatest book) is compiled.Mitogaku's whole soul into this book is thrown since then Mr. Mitsukuni Mito consistently.The main discourse is into discuss throughly concerning above No.2 subject.1) I will participate in the modern significance lastly an end.


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