是枝 伶旺 清水 直人 駒井 智幸
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.32, pp.9-17, 2023-08-01 (Released:2023-09-06)

The callichirid ghost shrimp Grynaminna tamakii Poore, 2000 was heretofore known only by the original description. The type series consisted of specimens from the south of Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture, although it was noted that the species occurred also at Hayasaki Inlet on Oyano Island, Kami-Amakusa, Kumamoto Prefecture. In this study, we report on this rarely collected species on the basis of 28 specimens from the western coasts of Kyushu, Kagoshima Bay and Tanega-shima Island, adding new locality records since the original description. Most of the examined specimens were collected from the lower intertidal zone of sand or muddy sand flats at low tide by using yabby pump. The identification was confirmed by genetic analysis using the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in comparison with the sequences registered in the GenBank database combined with morphological comparison. The living coloration of the species is first documented. A brief note on biology of the species is also given.


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