Masato Nakamura Takanari Kitazono Ken Kozuma Toru Sekine Shinya Nakamura Kazuhito Shiosakai Ayumi Tanabe Tomoko Iizuka
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.84, no.11, pp.1981-1989, 2020-10-23 (Released:2020-10-23)

Background:PRASFIT-Practice II is a postmarketing observational study conducted in 4,155 Japanese patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) who received long-term prasugrel. The data were used to assess the utility of Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) criteria.Methods and Results:Patients in PRASFIT-practice II were clinically followed for 2 years. The primary endpoint was the cumulative incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) major/minor bleeding. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on ARC-HBR criteria (HBR (40.1% of patients) and non-HBR (59.9%)) and the effect of HBR on the primary endpoint was assessed. The median duration of dual antiplatelet therapy with prasugrel was 391.0 days. At 2 years, the cumulative incidence of MACE was 3.3%, and of TIMI major/minor bleeding was 2.7%. At 1 year, MACE and TIMI major/minor bleeding in the HBR group (4.0% and 3.4%, respectively) were higher than that in the non-HBR group (1.3% for both). Landmark analysis at 3 months and 1 year showed that the higher risk of MACE or TIMI major/minor bleeding in the HBR group persisted through 2 years.Conclusions:The results of this study confirmed the safety and effectiveness of long-term treatment with prasugrel, and demonstrated that the ARC-HBR criteria for bleeding risk are applicable in Japanese IHD patients treated with prasugrel.


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【日本IHD例へのプラスグレル2年間実臨床データ/ PRASFIT-Practice II/ Circ J】 日本、虚血性心疾患 [うちACS 57%] 後プラスグレル服用の4155例、720日観察:「CV死亡・MI・脳卒中・ステント血栓症」発生率は3.3%。TIMI大出血は1.6%。致死的出血は0.4%。 https://t.co/DHBz7j73B0 https://t.co/usga4ZkZJM

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