Keisuke Kida Miho Nishitani-Yokoyama Shogo Oishi Yuji Kono Kentaro Kamiya Takuya Kishi Koichi Node Shigeru Makita Yutaka Kimura for the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (JACR) Public Relations Committee
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
pp.CR-21-0042, (Released:2021-05-27)

Background:Since the reporting of a cluster outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in sports gyms, the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) shared a common understanding of the importance of preventing patients and healthcare providers from contracting COVID-19. This questionnaire survey aimed to clarify the status of CR in Japan during the COVID-19 outbreak.Methods and Results:An online questionnaire survey was conducted in 37 Japanese CR training facilities after the national declaration of a state of emergency in 7 prefectures. Among these facilities, 70% suspended group ambulatory CR and 43% suspended cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX). In contrast, all facilities maintained individual inpatient CR. Of the 37 facilities, 95% required CR staff to wear a surgical mask during CR. In contrast, 50% of facilities did not require patients to wear a surgical mask during CR. Cardiac telerehabilitation was only conducted by a limited number of facilities (8%), because this method was still under development. In our survey, 30% of the facilities not providing cardiac telerehabilitation had specific plans for its future use.Conclusions:Our data demonstrate that ambulatory CR and CPX were suspended to avoid the spread of COVID-19. In the future, we need to consider CR resumption and develop new technologies for cardiovascular patients, including cardiac telerehabilitation.


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