Takuya Kishi @ねこ好き循環器内科医 (@tkishi_cardiol)


RT @JCIRC_IPR: HFrEF患者に対するGDMTは未だ十分とは言えない。OhataらはGDMT目標達成率の低さを示した一方、高齢者においてもGDMTの有効性を示した。遠隔医療、多職種など多様なアプローチでGDMT導入、目標値までの増量を目指すべきである。 By 尾上…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Women with Takayasu arteritis endure prolonged illness and diminished daily life compared to men. Logistic regression associ…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: In this review, we summarized the current immunosuppressive treatment for Takayasu arteritis, especially focusing on the eme…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Emerging concept of "heart-cancer axis". Shared risk factors, shared mechanisms, and reciprocal interactions between heart…
RT @atmizu: 【健康の社会的決定要因】 こちら少し遅れてしまいましたが、 SDOHのスクリーニングツールの論文がプレスリリースされました。近藤先生らのチームとのコラボです プレスリリースはこちら
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Atrial fibrillation induces left atrial pump failure, dilatation and stiffening, as well as annular dilatation, which are as…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Japanese nationwide data showed that patients with ACHD with greater disease complexity died at a younger age and underwent…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 成人先天性心疾患患者は重症例ほど若くして死亡し、死亡前に侵襲的な治療を受けていることがJROAD-DPCデータより明らかとなった。 By Naomi Akiyama @nao3_ak https://t.co/l5Y0AAOaii #circ_j…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A smartphone app was developed to nudge heart failure patients toward guideline-directed medical therapy. The apps excellent…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The CAD IV study demonstrated low 2-year rates of MACE and TLR in patients treated for severely calcified CAD. It showed the…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: In the upcoming era marked by the potential for a "heart failure pandemic," dynamic chest radiography, a simple and easily a…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: While AI has shown promise for clinical utility, the lack of validation and interpretability of AI has hindered widespread u…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 造影剤無しの左心耳閉鎖をCKD stage3b-5の15人に施行し、13人で無造影での左心耳閉鎖術が可能であった。Zero-contrast LAACはCKD患者では可能な選択肢と考えられる。 By Masato Fukunaga @MasatoF…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: HFrEF患者に対するGDMTは未だ十分とは言えない。OhataらはGDMT目標達成率の低さを示した一方、高齢者においてもGDMTの有効性を示した。遠隔医療、多職種など多様なアプローチでGDMT導入、目標値までの増量を目指すべきである。 By 尾上…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 血清BNP値はAFアブレーション後の予後と関連した。一方で、術後心房性不整脈再発リスクに関するBNPの影響に関してはAFのタイプにより違いがみられた。この点に関しては、少数例での検討となっておりさらに研究が望まれる。 By 川治徹真 https:/…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 心房細動に対する肺静脈隔離後の肺静脈断面積減少率は、レーザーバルーン群でクライオやホットバルーン群よりも顕著であった。しかし重度狭窄(>75%)は稀で、3群で有意差を認めなかった。 By 徳田道史 @MichifumiTokuda https://…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: In this prospective study of a Japanese cohort, the Micra leadless pacemaker was implanted with high success and a low compl…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The MAP Japan study presented in this issue confirms Micra lead less pacemakers safety, especially for high-risk Japanese pa…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A U-shaped association between FLI and AF risk was detected in Japanese women. By Ahmed Arafa https://t.co/XYDcDDOAy9 #circ…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: This is the first report identifying the utility of MRI, including T1 and T2 mapping, for the detection and follow-up of COV…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: This study presents findings on initial induction, postoperative management, and clinical outcomes of LAAC at our hospital.…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Calmodulinopathy children showed severe cardiac features. The four major phenotypes seem to depend on location. Beta-blocker…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: With the report by Kawai et al, showing the 10y trend of bystanderCPR in a city where CCCPR training was widely performed, w…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: End-of-life (EOL) discussions were often held shortly before the patients with cardiovascular disease died. Late EOL discuss…
RT @Office_j: 【日本人HFrEFに対する治療前血圧別ARNi vs. ACE-i:PARALLEL-HF後付解析/ Circ J】 日本、「EF<0.35」の症候性心不全223例ランダム化データ解析:治療開始時血圧の高低にかかわらずARNiとACE阻害薬の「CV…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Hypokalemia results from renal tubular damage (RTD) and plasma volume (PV) expansion. RTD and PV expansion could be the ther…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 女性のAMI患者は、男性に比較して様々な症状を呈するだけでなく、基礎疾患も多岐にわたり、治療や社会的側面にも特徴があり、多角的な対策が必要となる。 By 伊藤 智範 https://t.co/VOz2zhCMFf #circ_j #CardioTw…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 不整脈のカテーテルアブレーション治療を受けた患者のフォローアップにおいて小型心電計の郵送、リアルタイム心電図モニタリングを活用したオンライン診療の有用性と安全性、患者満足度調査の結果が報告されました。 By 髙見 充 https://t.co/DS…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A novel style telehealth follow-up with real-time ECG monitoring increased the ECG monitoring duration and the patient satis…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 細胞老化を標的とした治療は様々な加齢関連疾患で効果が示されている。中でもセノリティクスは様々な心血管疾患の動物モデルで効果が示されており、今後臨床応用が期待されている。 By 須田 将吉 https://t.co/f0PIhdzGLY #circ_…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Senolytics have shown effects on multiple cardiovascular diseases in preclinical models and are expected to be applied in th…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The OCT risk score, consisting of 4 variables (SBd, BP-CT length, dPOC, and bifurcation type), was developed that could pred…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 日本のCOVID-19パンデミックにおいて、2020年に循環器入院患者が10%以上減少し、カテーテルアブレーションと弁膜症が年間入院費用減少の約半数を占めました。入院中の死亡率に変化はありませんでした。 By 杉本 匡史 @tadafumisugi…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A COVID-19 pandemic in Japan in 2020 led to a >10% drop in cardiovascular hospitalizations, with reduced procedures and cost…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Our study aimed to characterize the chronic effects of hot-balloon ablation on the EAT in persistent AF. Its planar transmur…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: TAVR術前のニトログリセリン非投与下FFRCTは、重症AS患者の冠動脈疾患評価に有望。非侵襲的な選択肢として注目。 # FFRCT, # severe AS, # TAVR By 佐々木 諭 https://t.co/rYJg1PyrQI #ci…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Factors affecting the quality of life (QOL) in adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) are the keys to the interventiona…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Multiparametric CMR may play an important role in the diagnosis and prognostic assessment of arrhythmogenic left ventricular…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: AMI急性期のVT/VF発生の予測因子を、primary PCI終了時まで、PCI後それぞれにおいて明らかにした。 VTとVFにおいて、患者背景、予測因子は明らかに異なる。 VT/VFの発生は、突然死を含めた退院後の予後には影響しない。 By 花田…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Ring-like late gadolinium enhancement observed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is characteristic of dilated/arrthmogen…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A COVID-19 pandemic in Japan in 2020 led to a >10% drop in cardiovascular hospitalizations, with reduced procedures and cost…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 日本のCOVID-19パンデミックにおいて、2020年に循環器入院患者が10%以上減少し、カテーテルアブレーションと弁膜症が年間入院費用減少の約半数を占めました。入院中の死亡率に変化はありませんでした。 By 杉本 匡史 @tadafumisugi…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Our study aimed to characterize the chronic effects of hot-balloon ablation on the EAT in persistent AF. Its planar transmur…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 本調査で救命救急士は自身の心電図判読能力が急性冠症候群患者の予後に影響すると感じていることが明らかとなった。一方で多くの課題も浮き彫りとなり、今後は救命士対象の効果的な心電図講習プログラムの構築が望まれる。 By 井山慶大 https://t.co…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are aware that their ability to interpret 12-lead ECG findings is critical to the progn…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: JCS/JHRS 2022 不整脈の診断とリスク評価に関するガイドラインの英語版が完成しました。本ガイドラインでは、致死的および非致死的不整脈、潜因性脳卒中、失神の現在の診断法とアルゴリズムについて解説しています。 By 高瀬凡平 https://…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: JCS/JHRS 2022 Guideline on Diagnosis and Risk Assessment of Arrhythmia describes the current diagnostic methods and algorith…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: JCS/JHRS 2022 Guideline on Diagnosis and Risk Assessment of Arrhythmia just released! https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx #日循 #CircJ #ci…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 英語版「不整脈の診断とリスク評価に関するガイドライン 」を本日公開いたしました! https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx 論文執筆の際などにご活用ください。 #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuideli…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Catheter ablation through an atrial shunt device was successfully performed for a 74-year-old woman with complex atrial tach…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A protocol of opioid use for dyspnea in patients with advanced heart failure has been introduced (limited to our hospital).…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The autopsy finding of a 68-year-old male with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy complicated by pericardiocentesis-resistant peric…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The MAP Japan study presented in this issue confirms Micra lead less pacemakers safety, especially for high-risk Japanese pa…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 2011年から2020年までの急性大動脈解離患者196人のデータを解析した。先行研究と比較して発症率は高かった。さらに高齢になるほど急性大動脈解離患者の発症率が高くなることが示された。 By 森山周二 https://t.co/dG3OKkqvlK…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Analysis of data from 196 patients with acute aortic dissection from 2011 to 2020 revealed higher incidence than prior studi…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: This paper provides editorial remarks about the study by Nakamura M, et al., which showed the efficacy and safety of warfari…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Ring-like late gadolinium enhancement observed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is characteristic of dilated/arrthmogen…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: This is the first report of right-side dominant cardiac sarcoidosis with coronary artery-right ventricular microfistulas. Ri…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 英語版「大動脈瘤・大動脈解離診療ガイドライン」を本日公開いたしました! https://t.co/PWWwwwwRqz 論文執筆の際などにご活用ください。 #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuidelines #…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection just released! https://t.co/PWWwwwxpg7 #日循 #C…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: This paper offers editorial comments on the study by Yamauchi T, et al., which presents an external validation of the HELT-E…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 糖尿病既往のある81歳男性が両下肢のチアノーゼを主訴に来院。下肢造影からは当初は動脈硬化性変化を疑ったが最終診断は皮膚動脈炎であった。 By 上原 拓樹 @muhammedi_ali https://t.co/SusVCHzRsk #circ_j…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Lower extremity angiography revealed peripheral arteries were occluded, indicating LEAD (CLTI). Hoewever, physical and labor…
RT @Office_j: 【日本人HFrEFへのARNi;[ネガティブ] RCT “PARALLEL-HF”延長観察/ Circ J】 日本、「EF<0.35」EF 225例ランダム化、33.9カ月観察後、150例全例ARNi服用下で21.2カ月観察:ACE阻害薬からARN…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Multiparametric CMR may play an important role in the diagnosis and prognostic assessment of arrhythmogenic left ventricular…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A successful case of TAV-in-TAV is observed the underexpansion due to the commissure posts existed inside of the XT and outs…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: We report a rapidly growing pericardial angiosarcoma. Multimodality imaging proved crucial to the accurate diagnosis and app…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A 75-year-old underwent PCI of LMT to mid-LAD for stable angina. Following stenting, a high lateral branch was jailed and oc…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: JCS 2022 Guideline on Perioperative Cardiovascular Assessment and Management for Non-Cardiac Surgery: Please note CQ5 (manag…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Mechanism of calcified nodules (CN) remains unknown. We assessed ISR by CN in SFA by OFDI, angioscopy, and biopsy. These fin…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: JCS 2022 Guideline on Perioperative Cardiovascular Assessment and Management for Non-Cardiac Surgery: Please note CQ5 (manag…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 非心臓手術の周術期ガイドライン2022の英語版が完成しました。Part2はGRADEで作成。重症大動脈弁狭窄症を合併した高齢者大腿骨近位部骨折についての推奨があります。術前アドバンス・ケア・プランニングにも言及。 By 平岡栄治 https://t…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Preoperative extracellular volume analysis on computed tomography can help predict prognosis after transcatheter aortic valv…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: HELT-E2S2スコアの外部検証により、超高齢社会における日本人心房細動患者のリスク層別化に有用であることが示唆された。 By 山内 貴弘 @ytakahiro_woody https://t.co/FGuuJZkymr #circ_j #Car…
RT @TamCardio: JAPHRレジストリからの報告✨ 日本の特に重症の肺動脈性肺高血圧症患者さんにおいてプロスタサイクリンivが使われるのは、IPAH/mPAP高い/若年という傾向があります。CTD-PAHは経口薬での管理が中心になっているのは、15年前と比べると隔世…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The RESCUE ALI study demonstrated that Rutherford category IIb and III ischemia, supra to infra-popliteal lesions, and techn…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: A successful case of TAV-in-TAV is observed the underexpansion due to the commissure posts existed inside of the XT and outs…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: SAPIEN XTの内側とSAPIEN 3の外側のcommisure postsによってSAPIEN 3の拡張不全が観察されたTAV-in-TAVの一例 By 今岡 拓郎 @dojo21511353 https://t.co/U0p0fkiUo6…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: In this prospective study of a Japanese cohort, the Micra leadless pacemaker was implanted with high success and a low compl…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: 大阪府の人口ベースの登録を使用してコロナ禍前後で脳心血管病の救急搬送困難件数は増加したものの、救急入院患者数とその死亡者数に変化がないことを示した。 By 田中 健太 https://t.co/JBywBhkxJ0 #circ_j #CardioT…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: The baseline stage of change behavior intention is associated with modifications of unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, physical…
RT @JCIRC_IPR: Myocardial Work in infants of mothers with gestational diabetes (GDM). Infants with <6.5% HbA1c had higher GWI and GCW. Eff…


For predicting short- and mid-term major bleeding events after coronary revascularization, the J-HBR score had a comparable discriminative ability to the ARC-HBR and PRECISE-DAPT scores. By Hirokazu Shimono https://t.co/rm41cnDLZy #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/E2jITPc97P
Distant recurrence of malignancy in the heart is rare, but may be rapidly exacerbated by disseminated intravascular coagulation and pulmonary tumor embolization. By Ryosuke Honda https://t.co/Fw35Wuh4gT #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/L9Aqv9iRtR
#J_Epidemi Thank You Authors! 2023: We Should Pay More Attention to Sex Differences to Predict the Risk of Severe COVID-19: Men Have the Same Risk of Worse Prognosis as Women More Than 10 Years Older Yumi Matsushita, et al. https://t.co/ugqrhtSg3B
We have shown that lower health-related QoL in ACHD patients is associated with a variety of factors, including being unemployed and limited participation in physical education during childhood. By Shunsuke Tatebe https://t.co/CHnpPS4UCy #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/3ass3WdecH
HFrEF患者に対するGDMTは未だ十分とは言えない。OhataらはGDMT目標達成率の低さを示した一方、高齢者においてもGDMTの有効性を示した。遠隔医療、多職種など多様なアプローチでGDMT導入、目標値までの増量を目指すべきである。 By 尾上健児 https://t.co/GDoPAnMD9A #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/PduEfFBKhA
Increase in plasma renin activity by mineralocorticoid receptor inhibition without concurrent renin-angiotensin system inhibition may be associated with reduction in muscle mass. By Ryo Numazawa @Ryo_Numazawa https://t.co/39Vv0swpNc #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/ROPzWbpl8v
Women with Takayasu arteritis endure prolonged illness and diminished daily life compared to men. Logistic regression associates age, brain ischemia, visual impairment, and IHD with impaired daily life. By Hajime Yoshifuji https://t.co/aIsCbSkHCs #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/3IGRBoZnfv
In this review, we summarized the current immunosuppressive treatment for Takayasu arteritis, especially focusing on the emerging roles of biological agents including tocilizumab and TNF inhibitors. By Yoshikazu Nakaoka https://t.co/T0AL5WcUPe #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/SxaYNbN2Yf
Emerging concept of "heart-cancer axis". Shared risk factors, shared mechanisms, and reciprocal interactions between heart failure and cancer. By Hiroshi Akazawa @AkazawaHiroshi https://t.co/G9ri2HizCz #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/gnQ3dLKCg6
【健康の社会的決定要因】 こちら少し遅れてしまいましたが、 SDOHのスクリーニングツールの論文がプレスリリースされました。近藤先生らのチームとのコラボです プレスリリースはこちら
Atrial fibrillation induces left atrial pump failure, dilatation and stiffening, as well as annular dilatation, which are associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular events. By Katsuji Inoue https://t.co/uuvmfrjhXE #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/Y2TXJLlrVB
成人先天性心疾患患者は重症例ほど若くして死亡し、死亡前に侵襲的な治療を受けていることがJROAD-DPCデータより明らかとなった。 By Naomi Akiyama @nao3_ak https://t.co/l5Y0AAOaii #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/tY33iPCbzE
Japanese nationwide data showed that patients with ACHD with greater disease complexity died at a younger age and underwent more invasive treatments before death. By Naomi Akiyama @nao3_ak https://t.co/l5Y0AAOaii #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/2s1evsvRnD
A smartphone app was developed to nudge heart failure patients toward guideline-directed medical therapy. The apps excellent usability will prompt further study to assess its effectiveness. By Kosuke Hayashi https://t.co/5lX9gK1CTB #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/b3FHrEItkm
The CAD IV study demonstrated low 2-year rates of MACE and TLR in patients treated for severely calcified CAD. It showed the continued safety and effectiveness of coronary IVL in a Japanese population. By Shigeru Saito https://t.co/7OYwUtR8ie #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/lWpCJNvCno
In the upcoming era marked by the potential for a "heart failure pandemic," dynamic chest radiography, a simple and easily accessible technology, may play an important role in cardiovascular healthcare. By Yuzo Yamasaki https://t.co/nV9xII0fPC #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/UjI2ANBzKV
While AI has shown promise for clinical utility, the lack of validation and interpretability of AI has hindered widespread use. Extensive validation and improvement of interpretability essencial. By Shinichi Goto @nibusoft https://t.co/J10phme7w8 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/QcsOdUlKBL
造影剤無しの左心耳閉鎖をCKD stage3b-5の15人に施行し、13人で無造影での左心耳閉鎖術が可能であった。Zero-contrast LAACはCKD患者では可能な選択肢と考えられる。 By Masato Fukunaga @MasatoF0728 https://t.co/TzyHaS1h2r #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/HXPJSa6ZfJ
HFrEF患者に対するGDMTは未だ十分とは言えない。OhataらはGDMT目標達成率の低さを示した一方、高齢者においてもGDMTの有効性を示した。遠隔医療、多職種など多様なアプローチでGDMT導入、目標値までの増量を目指すべきである。 By 尾上健児 https://t.co/GDoPAnMD9A #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/xf9Ge9gdVC
This is the first report identifying the utility of MRI, including T1 and T2 mapping, for the detection and follow-up of COVID-19 fulminant myocarditis in a child, regarding our review. By Hiroyuki Takaoka @HiroyukiTa429 https://t.co/kVBIp1RhOE #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/RVo5mlUxvX
A U-shaped association between FLI and AF risk was detected in Japanese women. By Ahmed Arafa https://t.co/XYDcDDOAy9 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/4hwGpbbhcF
Calmodulinopathy children showed severe cardiac features. The four major phenotypes seem to depend on location. Beta-blockers were effective in treating LAEs, requiring treatment at the earliest age. By Megumi Fukuyama https://t.co/i6vHLz4dgS #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/pKiXCDqsxD
This study presents findings on initial induction, postoperative management, and clinical outcomes of LAAC at our hospital. The postprocedural antithrombotic regimen was modified without major concerns. By Satoko Ryuzaki https://t.co/vyshWkzUKX #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/XwiMb2s1AI
The MAP Japan study presented in this issue confirms Micra lead less pacemakers safety, especially for high-risk Japanese patients. By Eiichi Watanabe https://t.co/dNAaxrahNS #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/BC8kJtCvI2
In this prospective study of a Japanese cohort, the Micra leadless pacemaker was implanted with high success and a low complication rate, displaying safety and performance in line with global Micra trials By Kenji Ando MD https://t.co/8QpnUeQiLe #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/XQ4fC7HLWU
血清BNP値はAFアブレーション後の予後と関連した。一方で、術後心房性不整脈再発リスクに関するBNPの影響に関してはAFのタイプにより違いがみられた。この点に関しては、少数例での検討となっておりさらに研究が望まれる。 By 川治徹真 https://t.co/urSFAZTPHi #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/WtOFpqdCFD
心房細動に対する肺静脈隔離後の肺静脈断面積減少率は、レーザーバルーン群でクライオやホットバルーン群よりも顕著であった。しかし重度狭窄(>75%)は稀で、3群で有意差を認めなかった。 By 徳田道史 @MichifumiTokuda https://t.co/TV6fmWEb1C #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/UXmM9SkVOZ
The prevalence of polyvascular disease (PolyVD) in AMIs was 11.2%/1.4% (2 beds/3 beds). PolyVD was associated with all cause death, MACE, and major bleeding in the contemporary era of PCI. By RikuArai @rikuarai https://t.co/ofLIdDaVfb #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/vlPnA6YWAw
End-of-life (EOL) discussions were often held shortly before the patients with cardiovascular disease died. Late EOL discussions was associated with families satisfaction with EOL care. By kohno-ta@ks.kyorin-u.ac.jp https://t.co/DqwElnhAMq #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/OPkqQCGMse
【日本人HFrEFに対する治療前血圧別ARNi vs. ACE-i:PARALLEL-HF後付解析/ Circ J】 日本、「EF<0.35」の症候性心不全223例ランダム化データ解析:治療開始時血圧の高低にかかわらずARNiとACE阻害薬の「CV死亡・HF入院」抑制作用に差なし。 https://t.co/FGLTpQEejW https://t.co/n32fA9uvQZ
With the report by Kawai et al, showing the 10y trend of bystanderCPR in a city where CCCPR training was widely performed, we reaffirmed the important role of general citizens as lay rescuers. By Y Matsunaga-Lee @Yasuharu_ML https://t.co/Osj0xP35Jb #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/GH9lCLfzGw
Hypokalemia results from renal tubular damage (RTD) and plasma volume (PV) expansion. RTD and PV expansion could be the therapeutic targets for hypokalemia and HF-related events in patients with HFpEF. By Yoichiro Otaki https://t.co/4tO3nhquP1 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/iVF1cDu8xT
女性のAMI患者は、男性に比較して様々な症状を呈するだけでなく、基礎疾患も多岐にわたり、治療や社会的側面にも特徴があり、多角的な対策が必要となる。 By 伊藤 智範 https://t.co/VOz2zhCMFf #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/WLB8hx0nD6
不整脈のカテーテルアブレーション治療を受けた患者のフォローアップにおいて小型心電計の郵送、リアルタイム心電図モニタリングを活用したオンライン診療の有用性と安全性、患者満足度調査の結果が報告されました。 By 髙見 充 https://t.co/DS2AUBCuN7 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/KOp9eATVBf
A novel style telehealth follow-up with real-time ECG monitoring increased the ECG monitoring duration and the patient satisfaction without any adverse events in patients after catheter ablation. By Mitsuru Takami https://t.co/DS2AUBCuN7 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/kf82LSqc7x
細胞老化を標的とした治療は様々な加齢関連疾患で効果が示されている。中でもセノリティクスは様々な心血管疾患の動物モデルで効果が示されており、今後臨床応用が期待されている。 By 須田 将吉 https://t.co/f0PIhdzGLY #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/KLFtajg4Dz
Senolytics have shown effects on multiple cardiovascular diseases in preclinical models and are expected to be applied in the clinical setting. By Masayoshi Suda https://t.co/f0PIhdzGLY #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/4VIItJo5z0
The OCT risk score, consisting of 4 variables (SBd, BP-CT length, dPOC, and bifurcation type), was developed that could predict the risk of SBC immediately after MV stenting. By Hideaki Akase https://t.co/aB6tOEft4Y #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/8MlK80KXhe
日本のCOVID-19パンデミックにおいて、2020年に循環器入院患者が10%以上減少し、カテーテルアブレーションと弁膜症が年間入院費用減少の約半数を占めました。入院中の死亡率に変化はありませんでした。 By 杉本 匡史 @tadafumisugimo1 https://t.co/llHcZwr9g9 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/zcG9h82grz
A COVID-19 pandemic in Japan in 2020 led to a >10% drop in cardiovascular hospitalizations, with reduced procedures and costs, while in-hospital mortality rates remained unchanged. By Tadafumi Sugimoto @tadafumisugimo1 https://t.co/llHcZwr9g9 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/aeSwzUumWu
Our study aimed to characterize the chronic effects of hot-balloon ablation on the EAT in persistent AF. Its planar transmural lesions altered the structurally remodeled LA, including the EAT. By Shiro Nakahara @Shiroucla https://t.co/gTDmHNNq3Q #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/eDMgvObYDk
TAVR術前のニトログリセリン非投与下FFRCTは、重症AS患者の冠動脈疾患評価に有望。非侵襲的な選択肢として注目。 # FFRCT, # severe AS, # TAVR By 佐々木 諭 https://t.co/rYJg1PyrQI #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/3cVsYgUGHi
FFRCT without nitroglycerin shows promise in assessing coronary artery disease in severe AS patients undergoing TAVR, offering a non-invasive alternative. # FFRCT, # severe AS, # TAVR By Satoru Sasaki https://t.co/rYJg1PyrQI #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/tJ3ZbD9ROF
Increase in plasma renin activity by mineralocorticoid receptor inhibition without concurrent renin-angiotensin system inhibition may be associated with reduction in muscle mass. By Ryo Numazawa @Ryo_Numazawa https://t.co/39Vv0swpNc #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/KduwJf5HMO
Factors affecting the quality of life (QOL) in adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) are the keys to the interventional strategy to improve QOL and clinical outcomes in ACHD. By Ryo Inuzuka https://t.co/ylOcOlpZYd #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/oXYQKbxiV2
AMI急性期のVT/VF発生の予測因子を、primary PCI終了時まで、PCI後それぞれにおいて明らかにした。 VTとVFにおいて、患者背景、予測因子は明らかに異なる。 VT/VFの発生は、突然死を含めた退院後の予後には影響しない。 By 花田賢二 https://t.co/fUVNdik8vF #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/BUdACs4zGp
The patient with BMS implanted was admitted because of NSTEMI. CAG revealed 99% ISR. OCT revealed neoatherosclerosis and plaque rupture with thrombus. We successfully completed PCI with ELCA and DCB. By Daigo Kachi https://t.co/TklopTZkJO #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/gWMCXiXyPX
Ring-like late gadolinium enhancement observed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is characteristic of dilated/arrthmogenic cardiomyopathy caused by a truncating variant of filamin C gene. By Hiroyuki Morita https://t.co/2SiFM7ic3H #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/BKohTaTUTe
Multiparametric CMR may play an important role in the diagnosis and prognostic assessment of arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy (ALVC). By Seitaro Oda https://t.co/MF0chBtvag #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/xI3DFEEbK2
Our study aimed to characterize the chronic effects of hot-balloon ablation on the EAT in persistent AF. Its planar transmural lesions altered the structurally remodeled LA, including the EAT. By Shiro Nakahara @Shiroucla https://t.co/gTDmHNNq3Q #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/Vu3iHg44fE
A COVID-19 pandemic in Japan in 2020 led to a >10% drop in cardiovascular hospitalizations, with reduced procedures and costs, while in-hospital mortality rates remained unchanged. By Tadafumi Sugimoto @tadafumisugimo1 https://t.co/llHcZwr9g9 #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/mdRfvgDuBf
本調査で救命救急士は自身の心電図判読能力が急性冠症候群患者の予後に影響すると感じていることが明らかとなった。一方で多くの課題も浮き彫りとなり、今後は救命士対象の効果的な心電図講習プログラムの構築が望まれる。 By 井山慶大 https://t.co/bS3UBnmNLq #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/0kiikntZaP
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are aware that their ability to interpret 12-lead ECG findings is critical to the prognosis of ACS patients. Efficient training programs for EMTs need to be established. By Keita Iyama https://t.co/bS3UBnmNLq #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/hhsc8biqdI
JCS/JHRS 2022 Guideline on Diagnosis and Risk Assessment of Arrhythmia just released! https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuidelines #cardiacarrhythmia #CardioTwitter Guideline committee Secretariat https://t.co/BBMYcHB7zV
英語版「不整脈の診断とリスク評価に関するガイドライン 」を本日公開いたしました! https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx 論文執筆の際などにご活用ください。 #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuidelines #不整脈 #cardiacarrhythmia ガイドライン部会事務局 https://t.co/uPpZcS6SzQ
JCS/JHRS 2022 不整脈の診断とリスク評価に関するガイドラインの英語版が完成しました。本ガイドラインでは、致死的および非致死的不整脈、潜因性脳卒中、失神の現在の診断法とアルゴリズムについて解説しています。 By 高瀬凡平 https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/1FYxljgWCX
JCS/JHRS 2022 Guideline on Diagnosis and Risk Assessment of Arrhythmia describes the current diagnostic methods and algorithms for fatal and nonfatal arrhythmias, cryptogenic stroke, and syncope. By Bonpei Takase https://t.co/bDZex6wFZx #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/IhsbWh8nzX
Catheter ablation through an atrial shunt device was successfully performed for a 74-year-old woman with complex atrial tachycardia, and its feasibility was demonstrated. By Satoshi Oka https://t.co/2sK5jR6utZ #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/MZzXFy8Zg5
The autopsy finding of a 68-year-old male with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy complicated by pericardiocentesis-resistant pericardial effusion revealed rare concomitant effusive-constrictive pericarditis. By Takashi Hiruma https://t.co/mlVDP3Lspi #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/GZRrBTMK4f
A protocol of opioid use for dyspnea in patients with advanced heart failure has been introduced (limited to our hospital). We hope that further discussions will lead to better palliative care. By Tomohiro Nakamura https://t.co/dnBwpbz0pG #circ_rep #CardioTwitter https://t.co/rksIDTOYLL
The MAP Japan study presented in this issue confirms Micra lead less pacemakers safety, especially for high-risk Japanese patients. By Eiichi Watanabe https://t.co/dNAaxrahNS #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/9VMvq7qBZW
2011年から2020年までの急性大動脈解離患者196人のデータを解析した。先行研究と比較して発症率は高かった。さらに高齢になるほど急性大動脈解離患者の発症率が高くなることが示された。 By 森山周二 https://t.co/dG3OKkqvlK #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/bcedEEBHkG
Analysis of data from 196 patients with acute aortic dissection from 2011 to 2020 revealed higher incidence than prior studies, with a correlation between advancing age and higher incidence and mortality. By Shuji Moriyama https://t.co/dG3OKkqvlK #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/dXlxcLWNpD
This paper provides editorial remarks about the study by Nakamura M, et al., which showed the efficacy and safety of warfarin for VTE with the PT-INR recommended in the Japanese VTE guidelines. By Koichiro Sugimura https://t.co/ayHsZ7PR54 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/LpYJB9czts
Ring-like late gadolinium enhancement observed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is characteristic of dilated/arrthmogenic cardiomyopathy caused by a truncating variant of filamin C gene. By Hiroyuki Morita https://t.co/2SiFM7ic3H #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/TDxvtftn3Q
This is the first report of right-side dominant cardiac sarcoidosis with coronary artery-right ventricular microfistulas. Right ventricular function & fistulas worsened as the sarcoidosis progressed. By Keishi Moriwaki https://t.co/BfpDRXPdlx #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/acnI7KGE38
Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection just released! https://t.co/PWWwwwxpg7 #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuidelines #AorticAneurysm #AorticDissection #CardioTwitter https://t.co/VYrbaUygOC
英語版「大動脈瘤・大動脈解離診療ガイドライン」を本日公開いたしました! https://t.co/PWWwwwwRqz 論文執筆の際などにご活用ください。 #日循 #CircJ #circ_j #JCSガイドライン #JCSGuidelines #大動脈瘤 #大動脈解離 https://t.co/iaGzZR7xtf
This paper offers editorial comments on the study by Yamauchi T, et al., which presents an external validation of the HELT-E2S2 score through a pooled analysis of the RAFFINE and SAKURA Registries. By Shinya Suzuki https://t.co/ORYRe0UpSR #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/RxgdBzb302
糖尿病既往のある81歳男性が両下肢のチアノーゼを主訴に来院。下肢造影からは当初は動脈硬化性変化を疑ったが最終診断は皮膚動脈炎であった。 By 上原 拓樹 @muhammedi_ali https://t.co/SusVCHzRsk #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/02bKKxeS2x
Lower extremity angiography revealed peripheral arteries were occluded, indicating LEAD (CLTI). Hoewever, physical and laboratory findings revealed the diasnosis was cutaneous arteritis. By Hiroki Uehara @muhammedi_ali https://t.co/SusVCHzRsk #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/4h65UO5q7x
【日本人HFrEFへのARNi;[ネガティブ] RCT “PARALLEL-HF”延長観察/ Circ J】 日本、「EF<0.35」EF 225例ランダム化、33.9カ月観察後、150例全例ARNi服用下で21.2カ月観察:ACE阻害薬からARNiに切り替え後、 NYHA分類に有意な変化なし。ARNi継続群も同様。 https://t.co/lNKACikHH5
Multiparametric CMR may play an important role in the diagnosis and prognostic assessment of arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy (ALVC). By Seitaro Oda https://t.co/MF0chBtvag #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/JhUscW3CEv
JCS 2022 Guideline on Perioperative Cardiovascular Assessment and Management for Non-Cardiac Surgery: Please note CQ5 (management of severe AS for older patients with hip fracture). By Eiji Hiraoka https://t.co/swP2Z4WiPR #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/7HLUqfGTfY
A successful case of TAV-in-TAV is observed the underexpansion due to the commissure posts existed inside of the XT and outside of the SAPIEN 3, which needs to carefully long-term follow up. By Takuro Imaoka @dojo21511353 https://t.co/U0p0fkiUo6 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/YjCrTIPQmV
A 75-year-old underwent PCI of LMT to mid-LAD for stable angina. Following stenting, a high lateral branch was jailed and occluded. Five days after PCI, he developed anterolateral papillary muscle rupture. By T Osawa https://t.co/amHPF3A4Oe #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/QF6bHlmtdu
We report a rapidly growing pericardial angiosarcoma. Multimodality imaging proved crucial to the accurate diagnosis and appropriate surgical planning of angiosarcoma of the pericardial. By Yingjie Zhao https://t.co/Ky3rWBdnR3 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/N2tShGRq7g
Mechanism of calcified nodules (CN) remains unknown. We assessed ISR by CN in SFA by OFDI, angioscopy, and biopsy. These findings suggest CN creap between stent struts in LEAD similar to coronary artery. By Shota Saito https://t.co/OY3QhLF3Z5 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/orxMJx1WUC
This study shows BM-MNCs implantation improved the ischemic symptoms, and the effects were maintained. We believe BM-MNCs implantation may become an alternative treatment for CLTI patients with TAO. #23JCS By Ayumu Fujioka https://t.co/SYURou5qa0 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/DCyBpHYzfS
In this prospective cohort study including 1927 ACS patients with about 3-year follow-up, OSA was independently associated with higher risk of MACCE among patients without revascularization. By Ying Zhang, Wen Hao, et al. https://t.co/SUXoW4pJoF #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/5OpQWhutJj
The IVFR waveform reflects renal congestion, right heart hemodynamics, and significant TR, which may have been useful to evaluate the prognosis of secondary MR patients scheduled for TEER. By Shohei Kikuchi https://t.co/wYkcl9VQsn #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/7D9GsCRLVt
非心臓手術の周術期ガイドライン2022の英語版が完成しました。Part2はGRADEで作成。重症大動脈弁狭窄症を合併した高齢者大腿骨近位部骨折についての推奨があります。術前アドバンス・ケア・プランニングにも言及。 By 平岡栄治 https://t.co/swP2Z4WiPR #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/sl5axfMBe9
JCS 2022 Guideline on Perioperative Cardiovascular Assessment and Management for Non-Cardiac Surgery: Please note CQ5 (management of severe AS for older patients with hip fracture). By Eiji Hiraoka https://t.co/swP2Z4WiPR #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/mjs2NGnwOR
Preoperative extracellular volume analysis on computed tomography can help predict prognosis after transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. By Hiroyuki Takaoka @HiroyukiTa429 https://t.co/KzwkYrpii1 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/JCIwsmXlU4
HELT-E2S2スコアの外部検証により、超高齢社会における日本人心房細動患者のリスク層別化に有用であることが示唆された。 By 山内 貴弘 @ytakahiro_woody https://t.co/FGuuJZkymr #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/ItCGm6dBhv
Our external validation study suggested that the HELT-E2S2 score has value for risk stratification of Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation in a super-aged society. By Takahiro Yamauchi @ytakahiro_woody https://t.co/FGuuJZkymr #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/xr3aG7iW6o
JAPHRレジストリからの報告✨ 日本の特に重症の肺動脈性肺高血圧症患者さんにおいてプロスタサイクリンivが使われるのは、IPAH/mPAP高い/若年という傾向があります。CTD-PAHは経口薬での管理が中心になっているのは、15年前と比べると隔世の感 https://t.co/ATZctmZPGt
SAPIEN XTの内側とSAPIEN 3の外側のcommisure postsによってSAPIEN 3の拡張不全が観察されたTAV-in-TAVの一例 By 今岡 拓郎 @dojo21511353 https://t.co/U0p0fkiUo6 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/Zdq4EybML6
A successful case of TAV-in-TAV is observed the underexpansion due to the commissure posts existed inside of the XT and outside of the SAPIEN 3, which needs to carefully long-term follow up. By Takuro Imaoka @dojo21511353 https://t.co/U0p0fkiUo6 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/majmzeFuCH
In patients after acute decompensated heart failure, hyperpolypharmacy was common and significantly associated with an increased risk of all-cause death. By Masafumi Kanai https://t.co/UvCIFS8b9b #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/4oqWeSKmg1
The RESCUE ALI study demonstrated that Rutherford category IIb and III ischemia, supra to infra-popliteal lesions, and technical failures were identified as independent risk factors for 1-year AFS. By Michinao Tan https://t.co/kJLzC0PTpw #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/0TmVbDU9qF
In this prospective study of a Japanese cohort, the Micra leadless pacemaker was implanted with high success and a low complication rate, displaying safety and performance in line with global Micra trials By Kenji Ando MD https://t.co/8QpnUeQiLe #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/aJr75RHvKr
大阪府の人口ベースの登録を使用してコロナ禍前後で脳心血管病の救急搬送困難件数は増加したものの、救急入院患者数とその死亡者数に変化がないことを示した。 By 田中 健太 https://t.co/JBywBhkxJ0 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/9CXujxXHbe
We revealed that the numbers of emergency patients hospitalized with cardiocerebrovascular diseases and their deaths in Osaka were not affected by the COVID-19 epidemic using a population-based registry. By Kenta Tanaka https://t.co/JBywBhkxJ0 #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/8tM9jThrQA
We report endovascular findings of FMD in a young female. We perfomed PTRA and postoperative angioscopy revealed a wavy and elastic-like appearance of the intima in the renal artery. By Mikio Shiba, MD, PhD @general_mikio https://t.co/n5gTC35FJu #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/5eOyTaqnJA
A 23 year-old-male with Takayasu arteritis suffered from severe AR because of leaflet perforation. Valve-sparing aortic root replacement with aortic valve plasty was performed successfully. By Shuhei Aoki @ariesdiamond_0 https://t.co/Yjj74xiODv #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/aaozl9W8xn
The baseline stage of change behavior intention is associated with modifications of unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, physical inactivity, skipping breakfast, poor sleep quality). By Hidehiro Kaneko @kanekohidehiro https://t.co/VnLc7sW0qC #circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/YuqX3zfel6

