1 0 0 0 OA 感染症とDDS

木村 聰城郎
Drug Delivery System (ISSN:09135006)
vol.15, no.3, pp.160-164, 2000-05-10 (Released:2008-12-26)

A number of antimicrobial agents have been developed since penicillin was discovered. In spite of the strong antimicrobial activity, some of them are difficult to be used clinically due to their various side effects including the organ toxicity. On the other hand, some of them are not suitable for oral administration because of their poor absorbability. To overcome these problems, DDS technology has been applied. Some poorly absorbable drugs became to be used as the oral dosage form by converting to the well-absorbable prodrugs. Lipid-dispersed formulations, such as liposomes and lipid-nanospheres, of amphotericin B could make the antifungal drug less toxic and more effective. Recently, extensive studies are conducted to treat or protect against the virus infections. Oral vaccine delivery is one of the most attractive objectives. The use of the particulate dosage form has been investigated to deliver the vaccine to M cells. However, the most suitable properties of the carrier particles for the extensive binding to M cells and the sequential uptake remain to be clarified. To protect against influenza virus infection, the nasal applications of influenza vaccine were examined. The high protection against the viral challenge by the administration of influenza vaccine with sodium polystyrene sulfonate resin or CT 112 K, a mutant of cholera toxin, as the adjuvant was shown by the experiments in mice. The plasmid DNA could also protect against in influenza virus infection in mice while the method of effective introduction of the plasmid DNA to mucosal cells should be developed. The optimal DDS technology will lead the success of these novel approaches.


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