櫻井 義秀
21世紀東アジア社会学 (ISSN:18830862)
vol.2021, no.11, pp.22-39, 2021-12-15 (Released:2021-12-17)

This paper discusses two issues in Japanese society in response to the new coronavirus infection. First Japan has a unique public health policy for dealing with infectious diseases compared to other countries. We managed to get through the second wave of the epidemic with this approach, but after the third wave, the limitations of the restrained use of PCR testing, cluster control, and self-restraint became apparent. As a result, Japan became the country in East Asia that failed the most in containment of infectious diseases. Second infection control measures have been considered only in the medical and economic spheres, neglecting the issues that arise in the social and cultural spheres. Despite the potential of ICT technology as a new channel of communication, due to economic disparity and generational division, the use of ICT technology has not yet become a tool that everyone can use. These two problems did not arise suddenly as a result of the Corona disaster but have become apparent as Japanese society has shifted to a steady-state economy and is still seeking further economic growth. In the coming decades, Japan will have to deal with massive earthquakes, torrential rains, climate change, global economic fluctuations, and geopolitical tensions in East Asia. At that time, we must consider the sustainability of Japanese society by ensuring intergenerational justice by incorporating the perceptions of future generations.


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櫻井 義秀 (2021) "日本の新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応と顕在化した社会問題" _21世紀東アジア社会学_ 11:22-39 ISSN:18830862 NAID=130008130527 / “日本の新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応と顕在化した社会問題” https://t.co/sOS0VndqXb #japanmodel

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