Kazuo Sonoki Masanori Iwase Yutaka Takata Tetsuji Nakamoto Chihiro Masaki Ryuji Hosokawa Shigeki Murakami Kaoru Chiwata Hiromasa Inoue
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
vol.60, no.3, pp.311-319, 2013 (Released:2013-03-31)
23 24

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is secreted from the small intestine to the blood in response to glucose intake during a meal; however, it is not known whether mastication affects GLP-1 secretion. Here, we examined the relationship between mastication and GLP-1 secretion, along with postprandial blood glucose and insulin concentrations. We compared the levels of blood glucose, serum insulin, and plasma active GLP-1 concentrations after young healthy volunteers ate a test meal either by usual eating (control) or in one of three specified ways: 1. unilateral chewing, 2. quick eating, 3. 30-times chewing per bite. Ten volunteers participated in each of the three groups. Plasma active GLP-1 concentrations did not change by unilateral chewing or quick eating, but did increase by the third method, without affecting the concentrations of blood glucose or serum insulin. Next, we tested whether 30-times chewing per bite increased plasma active GLP-1 concentrations in 15 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but there was no difference in results between usual eating and 30-times chewing per bite. This is a pilot trial with a small number of subjects, but is the first study to investigate the relationships between various styles of mastication and the GLP-1 secretion in young healthy volunteers and type 2 diabetic patients.


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何かエビデンスはないかなと調べてたらパイロットスタディですが 30回噛むことでGLP-1が分泌されるとのこと。 今痩せ薬で高いお金払ってGLP-1買う人が多いけど30回噛む方がコスパ良いし、ウンチもよく出るけどなあ、、 https://t.co/RKpeRbqUPB
GLP-1ダイエットが流行ってる。よく噛むこととGLP-1の関係は? 健常者がテストミールを一口30回よく噛んで食べると内因性血中GLP-1濃度が増加した。一方で糖尿病患者では増加しなかった コメント:当院のダイエット外来にきてる患者には一口30回よく噛んで食べてもらってる https://t.co/Rpi3KEuNWS https://t.co/nXaZ0zyOTU https://t.co/5GoRTT5hfK

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