吉添 衛 服部 宏充 江間 有沙 大澤 博隆 神崎 宣次 久木田 水生 小川 祐樹
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.23, no.4, pp.501-512, 2021-11-25 (Released:2021-11-25)

We are now faced with the wall of the diversity of values. We are often required to consider or respect the values of other people though, it is not easy to sense them since we tend to think within our scope of knowledge, experience, and imagination. We have worked on how to exchange values and achieve a synergetic effect among people. In this paper, we are presenting our prototype system, called AIR-VAS, aiming to support becoming aware of values in group discussion. AIR-VAS has been developed as the system which recognizes characteristic opinions of a group and shares them among all engaging groups on the discussion. The recognized and shared opinion is based on the values of the people of the group. Through the sharing of opinion, people can know the different viewpoints on the issue of the current discussion, so that AIR-VAS can provide stimulation to people for idea generation. We have developed AIR-VAS on the approach that visualizing statements, which are presented during a discussion, as the word co-occurrence network. We implemented opinion sharing as the process of the network re-construction including presented sub-network as an opinion of a certain group. According to the experimental usage of the developed system, we analyzed the relationship between discussion and visualized information, and discuss what information gives awareness.


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