冨永 浩暉 髙倉 礼 志築 文太郎
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.24, no.2, pp.83-94, 2022-05-25 (Released:2022-05-25)

The virtual keyboard in the VR space is characterized by the user can place the keyboard at any position and angle in the air. The user’s posture changes as the position and angle of the virtual keyboard change. We conducted an experiment to investigate the effects of the position and angle of the virtual keyboard on text entry. We found that the position of the virtual keyboard affected the workload by analyzing the experimental data for each participant in the experiment. In this paper, we analyzed the experimental data for each entry phrase. The results show that the entry speed and usability may be improved by tilting the keyboard toward the back from the user’s point of view. Furthermore, since the fatigue of the arms was larger than the fatigue of the neck, the fatigue could be minimized by designing VR applications so as to place the user’s fingers at a lower position than the user’s eye level.


外部データベース (DOI)

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VR空間上での仮想キーボードの配置についての研究結果 正面視線を0度とした時22.5度の位置 視線に対して垂直を0度とした時のキーボードの傾きは15℃ が最適らしい #VR https://t.co/OE8WwTH3UN
修士最後の主著論文が掲載されました. VRの実験に協力してくれた皆さんありがとうございました. 超共著者様@Acid1012 https://t.co/LLR3Aut0xL
共著していた論文が公開されたみたいです Super Thanks @hakataminamibad https://t.co/HyG5KN2Qbi

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