小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.17-37, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

English unwritten constitution is a great help to (a) maintenance of old and good tradition and civilization, (b) flexible correspondence to changing social circumstances, (c) stability of legal life by no calling an unconstitutionality in question. On the other hand, in Japan, the problem of amendment to the Japanese Constitution is greatly discussed now. Many drafts of the new constitution appear. But, in my opinion, an unwritten constitution is extremely suitable for the new Japanese constitution, because historically Japan is elder than England. In this thesis, a table of contents is as follows : (1) general idea of an unwritten constitution, (2) sources of law of the English unwritten constitution, (3) merits of the English unwritten constitution, (4) the significance of an unwritten constitution in Japan, (5) sources of law of the Japanese unwritten constitution, (6) a comparative study of Magna Carta in England and the 17 Articles Constitution in Japan, (7) Conclusion.


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@katayama_s 日英両国に お ける不文憲法の 重要性 https://t.co/vxNbYRCTnv https://t.co/vYiT33174a
J-STAGE Articles - 日英両国における不文憲法の重要性 : 日本国憲法改正問題考察の一助として https://t.co/4miIhLyb8m
サヨクから散々「不文憲法が日本国憲法に優越するなんてお前何処の大学ダー!」とか言われたけど、サヨクの巣窟である京都大学の小森義峯教授何て「不文憲法が有れば成文憲法なんて不要」とまで書いているんですけどねw まあこの人恩師でも無いし京大は銀の母校でも無いけどw >https://t.co/JV3aYXmvPS
「不文憲法」について 例の「実演」でも「不文憲法」について述べていたけど、日本にもあるのかなと思って少し調べてみたら、こんな論文があった。憲法学的に認められている見解なのかな? 「ドシロウト」にはわかりません

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