Genki Kato Kosuke Oiwa Tatsuya Iwaki Tomoharu Ishikawa Akio Nozawa
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.138, no.7, pp.805-811, 2018-07-01 (Released:2018-07-01)

Selfies may have an effect on the psychophysiological state. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the psychophysiological state by providing feedback for selfies. The effect of the time period was also investigated. The period from the date a selfie was taken to the experiment date was configured as 2 conditions: a Short period (1-40 days) and a Long period (41-80 days). In this study, the evocation of emotions was attempted by providing feedback for four types of selfie 1: good face, 2: bad face, 3: good psychological state, and 4: bad psychological state. “Comfort emotion”, “Like emotion”, and “Awareness” significantly increased when providing feedback for a selfie evaluated as having a good face and a good psychological state. The experimental results using two-way analysis of variance revealed that the physiological state was not affected by the time period, but the psychological state was affected by the time period. The combination of (Positive Face Evaluation) × (Long period) selfies had more positive effect on “Awareness”.


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うちの自撮りフィードバックによる勇気づけの研究は正にこのストーリー。朝、バッチリキメた自分を鏡で見ると、よしっ!行くぞ!気分良く玄関を出る事ができる。自分の顔は普段は見えないからこそ、それを意識した時の印象が長期的に自尊心を醸成する。「心の角度」は至言だ。https://t.co/RmmRqCkcm0 https://t.co/1R74rEEPa2
The article 'Emotional Arousal by Feedback for Selfies: A Pilot Study’ written by G. Kato, K. Oiwa, T. Iwaki, T. Ishikawa, and A. Nozawa has now been published online in the following paginated issue of IEEJ... https://t.co/TBlvvlABc7

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