Yoshiki Murakami Masaya Shinohara Yosuke Oka Ryo Wada Ryota Noike Hiroshi Ohara Tadashi Fujino Takanori Ikeda
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.8731-21, (Released:2021-11-27)

COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis has been reported worldwide. We herein report two Japanese cases with suspected vaccine-related myocarditis. A 27-year-old man was admitted with chest pain 4 days after the second vaccination. An electrocardiogram (ECG) did not reveal any significant abnormalities. The second patient, a 37-year-old man, was admitted with chest pain 9 days after the first vaccination. His ECG exhibited ST-elevation in multiple leads. In both cases, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging findings were consistent with myocarditis. They recovered with symptomatic relief within a few days. These cases suggest that the benefit of COVID-19 vaccination exceeds the risk of vaccine-related myocarditis.


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19.ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文 心筋炎(1例目:27歳、男性。2例目:38歳、男性) 論文:東邦大学 https://t.co/DJayaUcXHm 論文解説動画:鹿先生 https://t.co/SbmF2Zb0tw
鹿先生(胸痛,心筋のむくみ,長期的な影響不明) ●ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(東邦大学) https://t.co/RVhtOwWlFS 論文 Myocarditis Following a COVID-19 Messenger RNA Vaccination: A Japanese Case Series https://t.co/CQAKa04NYz
@g_houle26 @AmalegaFrancois 2 cases from Japan of myocarditis following #COVIDVaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech): https://t.co/WvcRlQHWhE A 27 and 38-year-old man. "The long-term outcomes of COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis remain unclear." https://t.co/k0ejyPpRp2
COVID-19ワクチンによる心筋炎が世界的に報告されている。本稿ではワクチン関連心筋炎が疑われた日本人2例を報告する。症例は27歳男性,2回目のワクチン接種後4日目に胸痛で入院した。心電図検査では特に異常は認められなかった。2例目の37歳男性は,1回目のワクチン接種後 https://t.co/CLARYTTVVj
۱/«دو مرد ۲۷ و ۳۸ ساله ژاپنی به دنبال واکسیناسیون فایزر دچار میوکاردیت شدند. "نتایج طولانی مدت میوکاردیت مرتبط با واکسن کرونا نامشخص است."» @DrJohnB2 https://t.co/n7rJIRJIwP https://t.co/zRBE3L4QFK
@MartaLokje @grzesiowski_p https://t.co/Bv9IgR7GxN https://t.co/tOU4NSHLAU https://t.co/pS8vZDr09m https://t.co/SorpynxfZ5 https://t.co/Gevg5TiyHO https://t.co/gBPceLtwRr
@kucouyf @EivorEvenrud @casanor11 1. https://t.co/Bp5Oj1MLGM 2. https://t.co/0Je2FQA4m2 3. https://t.co/nihDXFC1av Og her: "... safety concerns against SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are backed by an increasing number of studies reporting neurological side effects." Link: https://t.co/S5CiELcjgU FAKTISK vitenskap. Mer? https://t.co/sR4bs19osW
“The long-term outcomes of COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis remain unclear. Thus, further research with a longer follow-up duration is needed to elucidate the long-term prognosis of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination.” https://t.co/2wBlWvxFfQ
Due casi dal Giappone di miocardite seguenti dopo Pfizer: Maschi di 27 e 38 anni. https://t.co/oTeQkdk32q "Gli esiti a lungo termine della miocardite correlata al VACClNO rimangono poco chiari". https://t.co/5meBjwV98w
Myocarditis Following a COVID-19 Messenger RNA Vaccination: A Japanese Case Series https://t.co/Ygrywg8pYE
@Piotr_Schramm Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego po szczepieniu, mężczyzna 27 i 38 lat, japonia https://t.co/pS8vZDIBxW
2 cas de myocardite au Japon suite à #COVIDVaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech) : https://t.co/w3yrj4tSK6 Un homme de 27 et un autre de 38 ans. « Les résultats à long terme de la myocardite liée au vaccin COVID-19 restent flous. » https://t.co/coMIg8AnBm
@DonaldDrunk20 @TrixoseGeek @idrissaberkane https://t.co/VewEHNpc6U
Myocarditis Cases from Japan #COVIDVaccination after Pfizer BioNTech Vaccination A 27 and 38 year old men Source: https://t.co/RRJis4g0aW https://t.co/Z7XVcWqxa3
27 et 38 ans ? "Myocardite suite à une vaccination par ARN messager COVID-19 : une série de cas japonais" https://t.co/A8TJ3C4U77
2 casos de Japón de miocarditis siguientes #COVIDVacunacion (Pfizer-BioNTech): https://t.co/eipQhwKm4m Varón de 27 y 38 años. "Los resultados a largo plazo de la miocarditis relacionada con la vacuna COVID-19 siguen sin estar claros". https://t.co/8dycYyNt4A
2 cases from Japan of myocarditis following #COVIDVaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech): https://t.co/ejoUPXHZsv A 27 and 38-year-old man. "The long-term outcomes of COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis remain unclear." https://t.co/nbocmz2n6G

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