杉本 俊介
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.24, pp.199-211, 2017 (Released:2018-04-11)

The moral justification for external whistleblowing has been the subject of significant recent debate. The main arguments on either side have been drawn from either consequentialism or deontology. Recently, some scholars have argued that these arguments miss two points:‘tragicality’and the moral remainder. These scholars intend their critiques to show insufficiencies rather than defects in the consequentialist and deontological accounts. However, these critiques may instead be taken to show that alternative approaches are more suitable for an analysis of external whistleblowing. Drawing on this suggestion, in this paper, I defend a virtue ethics approach to the justifiability of external whistleblowing.


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内部告発問題に対する徳倫理学的アプローチ ―ハーストハウスによる道徳的ジレンマの分析を応用する― 大阪経済大学経営学部 杉本俊介 https://t.co/5NlGW43xag

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