大庭 絵里
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.3, pp.63-72, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of feminization of the labor force in Japan. Under the rapid and high industrialization, women were expected to follow the domestic role while they increasingly participated in the labor force as marginal laborers, which caused dual burden on women and contributed to men in the life-long employment system. This trend still continues and most of the women in the labor force are part-time workers at low wages. Serivice industry based on high technology requires high-skilled and unskilled workers at once and women are mainly involved in the latter except some elite women. Equal Opportunity Law does not solve the women's discriminatory condition in the work place. Business firms are now required to develop a diverse system of employment of the workers as "individuals".


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@sa1118ma 我々世代は「昭和の母」に育てられてるからそういうイメージが強いけど、ちょっと下の世代にとってはもう違う母像が育ってるんじゃないかなって気もする〜 「男は仕事、女は家庭」っていうジェンダー感も意外と歴史が浅くて近代以降のものっていう説もあるし。 参考↓ https://t.co/1P5e2okZl8

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