大庭 絵里
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.13, pp.122-139, 1988

This paper aims at considering the subjective aspect of news organization as a definer of deviance. This study is based on the research interviews with reporters and editors working in newspaper companies done in 1987. In this paper, news is viewed as a "social reality" constructed by news organization. The main purpose of this paper is to consider the structure and social meaning of the so-called criminal reporting, focusing on the process of news making activities. Firstly, news selection process is examined in view of articulating factors sustaining newsworthiness. Second, news work is analyzed in terms of organizational work and its relationships with the source organization. Finally, function of criminal reporting, that is, visualizing deviance by the media (newspaper) is discussed. Newsworthiness is a measure for selection of news, and the judgement is not only based on the action but also on the attributes and careers of the actor. News story as reality is constructed by news organization based on the definition by the source organization (the Police). In the process of news making, major social norm and value system are used so that the news story makes sense for the readers. Telling the boundary between deviance and control, news on "criminal case" legitimatize the police action and lead the readers to follow the ideology of the order of control.
大庭 絵里 中根 光敏
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.36, no.2, pp.71-86,189, 1991-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

This paper discusses transition of definitions and analytical perspectives of social problems which have been suggested on behalf of studies on sociology of social problems. Especially, transition to an approach which follows subjective nature of social problems is examined and stressed here. First, theoretical studies on social problems both in Japan and the U.S. are critically reviewed. Studies from the points of social pathology, Marxism, value conflict, functionalism view a social problem as "an objective social condition" and try to explain its cause, though they are different in their approaches. Second, difficulties of those studies on "objective condition" are discussed along the line with what Blumer(1971) and Specter & Kitsuse(1977) pointed out. Objectivists are likely to explain some specific condition depending on social bases such as social norm, but they fail to explain what makes it possible to recognize social problems and what they have in common. An altenative perspective called "constructionist" approach has emerged. According to the constructionists, a social problem cannot exist as an "objective condition" but needs subjective diffinition by people who claim something must be done against a putative condition. They see a social problem as a process, following a claim-making activity, and its rhetoric is examined. The significance of this perspective is that it enables us to clarify what construct a social problem and how it gets public attention. It is especially effective when minorities make claims and have them developed. Finally, a possibility of analysis of social problems in Japan is suggested. Claim-makers' viewpoint, their activity, process to gain public attention and its direction must be analyzed with taking into account various resources related to social problems.
大庭 絵里 Ohba Eri
神奈川大学国際経営論集 (ISSN:09157611)
no.39, pp.155-164, 2010-03

本稿は、犯罪事件を起こした少年が犯罪ニュースの言説においてどのように構築されてきたのかを考察し、少年事件への人々の「まなざし」の変化と厳罰主義について議論することを目的としている。ニュース・メディアとしては朝日新聞を対象とし、少年法が施行された1949年から2004年まで、5年ごとに少年事件の記事を収集した。本稿が依拠する理論的枠組は、メディア表象研究及び言説分析におけるリアリティ構築の観点である。 犯罪事件はいつの時代においても報道されており、とりわけ、1960年代においては犯罪事件の記事は多く、日本社会においては少年事件に対してもきわめて大きな関心があったと考えられる。その後、少年事件の記事数は次第に少なくなる。罪種別にみるならば、かつては軽微な非行や微罪になり得る犯罪事件も報道されていたが、近年になると身体への傷害をともなう事件や殺人など、「凶悪」とされる事件が相対的に多く報道されるようになってきている。 加害少年については、精神障がいの有無、少年の経済環境、家庭環境などが否定的に描かれ、犯罪は「特別な事情」のある人間が犯す出来事として描かれていた。しかし、そのような差別や偏見を助長する表現が減少し、言説上においては、犯罪を起こす少年が「普通」の少年であり得るように描かれ、犯罪少年のイメージは「一般化」した。同時に、犯罪・非行は社会的要因によって起こるというよりも、犯罪事件を起こした少年個人に行為の理由が見いだされるように、ニュース・ストーリーは変化してきた。この言説上の変化は、少年事件に対する人々の「まなざし」の変化を表していると考えられる。 犯罪事件を引き起こす人間に対する厳罰化を求める風潮も、このようなメディアにおける犯罪・非行のイメージの構築と無縁ではない。
大庭 絵里

大庭 絵里
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.3, pp.63-72, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of feminization of the labor force in Japan. Under the rapid and high industrialization, women were expected to follow the domestic role while they increasingly participated in the labor force as marginal laborers, which caused dual burden on women and contributed to men in the life-long employment system. This trend still continues and most of the women in the labor force are part-time workers at low wages. Serivice industry based on high technology requires high-skilled and unskilled workers at once and women are mainly involved in the latter except some elite women. Equal Opportunity Law does not solve the women's discriminatory condition in the work place. Business firms are now required to develop a diverse system of employment of the workers as "individuals".