杉本 俊介
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.30, pp.49-59, 2023-03-30 (Released:2023-05-04)

Virtue ethics approaches in business ethics have received increasing research attention in recent years. In these studies, wisdom, courage, temperance, justice, team spirit, teamwork, collaboration, and integrity are specifically mentioned as virtues, but are these regarded as virtues in the Japanese business scene? This presentation aims to identify the qualities that are regarded as virtues in the Japanese business scene, on the basis of the management philosophy of Japanese companies. Text mining is employed to investigate the virtues included in management philosophy and their frequency. KH Coder is used to extract the virtues from frequently occurring words in the management philosophy. The extracted virtues are contribution, trustworthiness, creativity, fairness, responsibility, and so on. From this, it is evident that the virtues in the Japanese business scene are very different from those found in previous studies.


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