大上 麻海 相馬 敏彦
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.29, no.2, pp.129-138, 2016 (Released:2019-08-05)

This study examined the moderating effect of outcome interdependence (individual or team rewards) on taking charge of prevention-focused employees. Employees focusing on prevention are relatively averse to taking charge because they are likely to be apprehensive about the risk involved in it. We hypothesized that even prevention-focused employees would engage in taking charge by working for team rewards, which would alleviate their anxiety about making mistakes. The following were the major findings: 1) When employees perceive the necessity for an organizational change due to a change in the external environment, those focused on prevention do not engage in taking charges; 2) However, if employees work toward team rewards, they do engage in taking charges. We discuss the implications of our research findings’ for the theory and practice of effective organizational management.


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回避志向性が従業員のテイキング・チャージに及ぼす影響https://t.co/1Ia67BlbFU 組織を改善させる自発的な行動はどのような個人特性、組織環境が関与するか検討. 回避志向(成功を求めるより失敗を恐れ行動する)でも、個人ではなくチーム単位の評価により行動が促進されるという結果が示されたそう. https://t.co/PYR4xb7ECA

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