陳 晋
アジア経営研究 (ISSN:24242284)
vol.24, pp.123-135, 2018 (Released:2019-04-01)

The Chinese market of smartphone became the largest in the world beyond the United States in 2012, which currently occupies about 30% in the world market. At the same time, as to the shipments of the Chinese smartphone makers, their market share in the global market has rapidly increased from 20% or less in 2011 to 40% or more in 2016. Almost all makers occupying the top position till 2013 were foreign-funded makers concerning the market share by makers in the Chinese smartphone market. But Xiaomi started its smartphone production & sales from the middle half of 2011. It increased to the top position referring to the shipments of the Chinese smartphone market just within 3 years and kept top for two consecutive years. But as for its growth rate, its growth declined from 2015, and its market ranking decreased to the fifth place from the top in 2016 as well. This paper analyzes the growth factors of a Chinese smartphone maker which has emerged in the world market and the relevant issues encountered with, by focusing on Xiaomi, which used to occupy the top position in Chinese smartphone market regarding market shipments in 2014 and 2015, and has declined from its rapid growth.


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