岡江 恭史
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.21, no.2, pp.10-22, 2015-04-25 (Released:2016-05-13)

Hitoshi Saito argued that Asian countries except Japan could not develop agricultural cooperatives because their rural societies do not have the inheritance of autonomous community. But, the facts of Vietnam and China are contrary to Saito's theory. Vietnam has not yet developed agricultural cooperatives in spite of the inheritance of autonomous community. On the other hand, China has developed agricultural cooperatives without the inheritance of autonomous community. The purpose of this paper is to examine these facts through comparative research of Japan, China and Vietnam on history and social structure. Japanese autonomous villages have established their integration units and developed cooperative relationship with outside. Chinese villages do not have autonomous function. But, market economy has permeated Chinese rural society over many years, and many Chinese people have personal connections outside their villages. Many Vietnamese people have not personal connections outside their villages. The author concludes that the requirements for development of agricultural cooperatives are strengthening of market economy and the networks beyond each village.


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岡江恭史「ベトナムの「自治村落」と農民組織──日本・中国との比較を通じて」村落社会研究ジャーナル21(2), 2015 https://t.co/5bdt9xMcaA

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