岩本 由輝
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.17, no.2, pp.18-29, 2011 (Released:2013-04-20)

Population decline, caused by increasing social mobility, and the related immigration of Hokuriku Jodo Shinshu-sect Buddhists were precipitated by the need to redevelop agriculture, reduce poverty and restore the Mutsu-Nakamura domain’s troubled finances in the latter part of the Tokugawa period. In the following paper, the memoranda of Kowata Hikobei (a rural administrator with the social position of samurai, who, along with his father, worked to organize the immigration) are used to explore the intelligence network by which 301 individuals from 57 households of the Jodo Shinshu religious community immigrated to the Mutsu-Nakamura domain during the period from 1815 to 1832. The arrival of some 3,000 or so immigrants in the Mutsu-Nakamura domain from 1813 to 1871 was seen as a great “success”, particularly in terms of re-invigorating the domain’s finances. It should be noted, however, that this internal migration neither assisted the contemporary strengthening of the shogunate nor hastened its collapse. Rather, having a strong intelligence network the Jodo Shinshu religious community removed itself from the framework of the shogunate, and in the process they served their own organization by, in effect, making the whole Japanese archipelago “borderless”.
芦田 裕介 市田 知子 松村 和則 望月 美希
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.28, no.1, pp.13-44, 2021-10-25 (Released:2022-10-03)
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2020 年度の日本村落研究学会大会では、「ジャーナルセッション」を企画した。これまで『村落社会研究ジャーナル』(以下『村研ジャーナル』)が担ってきた意義と役割を検討しながら、今後のジャーナルのあり方、ひいては村落研究のあり方を考えようというのがこのセッションの目的である。 いうまでもないことだが、本学会においては、農林漁業、農村、地域社会といった対象をめぐり学際的に研究が展開されてきた。つまり、研究対象に対する関心そのものは大きなところで共有されながらも、分析手法や問いの設定の仕方には多様性を有してきたということになる。イエ・ムラ論は本学会にとっては大きな意味を持つ理論設定ではあるのだが、必ずしもそれぞれの研究がその枠づけのなかにあったわけではない。そして『村研ジャーナル』では媒体の性質上、既存の議論の方法を超えて、先進的な研究の試みを展開されてきた。 ただ、学会を取り巻く事情は大きく変化している。投稿論文数の減少の要因にもなる大学院生数の減少、類似の研究を展開できる場となるような大小さまざまな学会の存在、大学等の研究機関における独自のプロジェクトや研究枠組みの創出といった動きのなかで、村研とはどのような問題関心や議論を共有する場なのかということを問われるべき時期にさしかかっている。もちろん、これは本学会に限ったことではなく、さまざまな学会や学問分野においても同様の事態に直面しており、少なくとも人文科学の諸領域においてそれぞれが問うていかねばならない問題でもある。 この「ジャーナルセッション」では、「村落研究」が、自明な領域であるかのようにみえながらも、それぞれの時代の要請や、広く学界の動向を背景に、問いの立て方の幅が転位/変容してきたことのたどり直しを試みた。この「問い」の転位/変容は、学がどうあるべきなのか、という問いとつながっている。いくつかの切り口から、これまでの『村研ジャーナル』の掲載論文を検証し、今後、どのような研究の展開があるべきで、そしてどのような関心を共有していくべきなのかを考える礎にしたい。 *日本村落研究学会では、1994 年から『村落社会研究』の刊行を開始し、第14 巻から『村落社会研究ジャーナル』と改題した。 この特集では、叙述が繁雑になることを避けるため、適宜『村研ジャーナル』の略称を用いることとする。
渡邉 悟史
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.21, no.1, pp.14-25, 2014-10-25 (Released:2015-12-15)
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The residents in many of the villages in hilly or mountainous areas in contemporary Japan have to confront pessimistic prospects on their life conditions. They are suffering from irreversible depopulation and ageing, the decline of the local economy, and the deterioration of farming land and forest. In this situation, a mind-set that the current and future situation cannot be improved prevails among the residents. By exploring the discourse and action of a man born in 1944, who is active to improve the life environment of a village which is located in the western part of Kanto region, this paper aims to examine the difficulty of his attempt to compete against the prevailing mind-set and to imagine the alternative history of the village. He is eagerly trying to collect and investigate forgotten pasts of the village which, in his theory, demonstrates the “communal mind” or the “harmony” of villagers which had existed before the postwar economic growth and then disappeared. The man insists that his investigation will finally make other residents recollect what they have forgotten and, as the result, the residents will be able to solve the contemporary predicaments. However, when the people like him, who belongs to the generation which built bases for their livelihood on the outside of the village in the period of economic growth, criticize the current situation, the other residents question the position of their discourses. Some say why they can dogmatically maintain their privileged position to blame others in spite that they are also responsible for the current predicament. Others even blame that most of the members of the generation once abandoned their duties for the village and played a central role in bringing down the current predicaments. In the course of examining this difficulty, the author would also pursue what kind of historical praxis, reorganizing the relation between the past and the present, is needed in the life in the period of the past economic growth.
芦田 裕介
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.18, no.1, pp.13-24, 2011

Japanese rural society has rapidly changed in many aspects since World War Ⅱ. Technological change of agriculture is one of the main factors in this social change.<br> In Japan, agricultural machinery manufacturers have had a significant impact on mechanization in rice cropping. Agricultural machinery salesmen promote the diffusion of agricultural machinery and they are focused on in this study. Intentions and behaviors of salesmen in their sales activities are described and analyzed from the perspective of "promoters of the diffusion of agricultural mechanization technology", "manufacturer employee", and "farmers in the local society". Fieldwork and interviews with farmers and agricultural machinery salesmen about the diffusion process of agricultural machinery took place in Tsuyama city, Okayama Prefecture.<br> Salesmen provided farmers with a huge variety of skills and knowledge about agricultural machinery and crop cultivation in the diffusion process of agricultural machinery. They promoted and supported changing the processes of rice cropping, especially rice transplanting.<br> Agricultural machinery manufacturers sell agricultural machinery and go after profits. Salesmen desperately work for a living under the manufacturer's sales strategies. Sales of agricultural machinery are inextricably linked to technical guidance of agriculture, frequent repair and maintenance. Salesmen make use of their experience as farmers in sales activities. Consequently, with effectiveness of communication in rural society, "logic of capital" serves as great incentive for salesmen and their activities promote the diffusion of agricultural mechanization technology. Salesmen's activities complement the public agricultural extension service.
野口 憲一
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.19, no.2, pp.14-24, 2013-04-25 (Released:2015-04-01)

This paper examines the topic of entry into farming by discussing the conflict between new farmers and the agricultural corporations they will be joining. The research object of this paper is company A which manages lotus root agricultural production and, Mr. B who found a job at it. Most of the previous studies on entry into farming have been from the perspective of new farmers, and studies have seldom been conducted from the perspective of agricultural corporations. Thus, this paper attempts to approach the issue of entry into farming from the perspective of agricultural corporations. Specifically, this paper discusses the discrepancy in“views on farming”of agricultural corporations and new farmers, a source of conflict between the two, from the perspective of agricultural corporations. Accordingly, this paper discusses“views on farming”of the two groups and the context for those views and this paper compares the two views. Agricultural corporations have“views on farming”based on a concept of “farming as an industry”that has developed over years of practice. In contrast, new farmers have“views on farming”based on an idyllic view touted by the mass media.
姫野 宏輔
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.28, no.2, pp.13-14, 2022-04-25 (Released:2023-05-10)

『村研ジャーナル』55号の特集Ⅰ「村落研究を問う」において提示されたのは、村落研究に携わる研究者間の断絶や分断という問題であった。そのような問題状況を乗り越えるための、分野横断的な村落研究の多様化を目指す試みとして、村研ジャーナル編集委員会では「メディアの中の農村、農村の中のメディア」と題した研究会の企画を行った。 現代社会における農村研究とメディア研究は、お世辞にも交流が活発とは言えない。しかし、現実にはメディアのあり方は、農村社会のあり方に大きな影響を及ぼしており、現代社会において、農村とメディアというテーマで考えるべき議論は山積しているように思われる。 このように、同じ研究対象を扱いながらも、互いが研究領域を「棲み分け」てしまうことによって没交渉となってしまいかねない分野の研究報告が一堂に会することで、今後の村落研究を「開いていく」ことができるのではないか──というのがジャーナル編集委員会の問題意識であった。2021年9月19日に開催された本研究会企画は、折からのコロナ禍による影響で、Zoomを用いたオンライン研究会の形式をとったが、途中の入退室者も含めてのべ90人を超える参加者があり、活気ある質疑応答が行われた。多忙な時期に本研究会に研究報告を寄せてくださった会員の方々に、心からお礼を申し上げたい。
吉田 国光
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.20, no.1, pp.35-46, 2013-10-25 (Released:2015-05-13)
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This study reveals interactions between agricultural production and actor’s relations in Kamihata settlements in Minami-Awaji City, Mihara Plain. Farm management in farm households is examined to determine whether farm activities, such as lending equipment, supplying compost, and establishing delivery routines develop the relationships among farmers or between farmers and other stakeholders, while identifying the kind of relationships formed. Moreover, the contribution of multi-layered network formed through relations between and among such stakeholders is considered. The research method adopts social network analysis. This approach allows a quantitative stand in analyzing human relations based on the presence or strength of ties between nodes, the distance between such nodes, and the node parameters. Economic activity and social life are inseparable in rural areas and villages, and ties among farm households are characterized by various roles existing in a multilayered structure. This study focuses on the extent and width of social ties among certain nodes. Results show that in Mihara Plain, the “ three crop” rotation system―a combination of paddy rice, onions,and cabbages or paddy rice, lettuce, or Chinese cabbages―has been widely promoted. The study area practiced intensive farming. The production of leafy vegetables served as an economic activity that could augment the income of farm households. Farm management, as practiced by every farmer household, progressed within the range of social groups such as settlements and districts, and did not become completely independent albeit done individually. Various territorial relations became a conforming frame, as seen in the sharing of equipment and supplying of compost. The network was selectively formed according to the purpose. In addition to the abovementioned relations, networks based on the delivery of crops was observed. These networks extended in various ways, according to every farmer household's management policy, and had various influences on every farmer's management practices.
一宮 真佐子
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.15, no.1, pp.13-24, 2008 (Released:2012-12-04)
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The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the representations of “agriculture and rural space” in MANGA, one of the major genres of popular culture. Today in Japan, “consumerist gaze” has a significant influence upon rural areas. The popular culture, where such influence can be easily found, has been subjected to study. Even though, few studies have focused on the subculture genres like MANGA. This paper picks up 26 MANGA works which treated agricultural subject or whose settings were in rural space at that time. In the first step, the trend of settings and descriptions in those works is analyzed. According to this trend, these works are divided into 4 groups, and their features are shown below ; group A “comedy-style and personal topics (e.g. marriage)”; group B “dealing with social problems” ; group C “return to native place (U-turn) and significant concern about rural/food culture” ; group AC is intermediate between A and C. Additionally, group A is divided into A1 and A2 according to whether “out-migrants (I-turn)”appear in the works. Next, 4 works which are representative of groups except AC are examined. By this analysis, several representations of “agriculture and rural space” and their transition process in MANGA works are defined. Before the late 70s, “agriculture and rural space” was represented as unrefined “premodern”, compared to refined industry/urban area. Afterward it came to be represented as “problematic modern” as same as urban area, and after the late 90s as “alternatives to modernity”. Since around 2000, “agriculture and rural space” is represented as “hetero-culture” which is equal option to city. Generally, the comedy-style works turn the negative representation into positive one. In conclusion, the characteristics of that representations in MANGA are defined as; the inverse of dominant sense of values by “laughter” ; the ceaseless shift of themselves through intertextual acts.
小林 甫
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-12, 2012-10-25 (Released:2014-11-04)
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In this paper I study about a rural self governing collectivity at the Tada village in the NanYo (south of the Iyo) including the Uwa basin, south-west of the Ehime Prefecture. I refer to the NanYo's history from ancient era to present days. That is, 1) Status of NanYo under the Ritsuryo legal codes. 2) The social structure of Early Modern village system in NanYo. 3) The political and social structure of the new Tada administrative village after the Meiji Restoration, in 1890. 4) Self governance of the people after the administrative consolidation of 6 villages into the Uwa-town in 1954, and that of 5 towns into the Seiyo-city in 2004. 5) The collective life of inhabitants and residents in the Tada rural area in present days. By this research I would like to clarify the concept of “community” , which is made up of multilayer structures. In the bases it existed the rural “commune” before Ritsuryo legal codes. Ritsuryo system went down from the Miyako (Capital) to the Kuni (for example Iyo country) , Gun (Uwa county) , and Go (Iwano area) in order to control rural communes or villages. But in early modern era Gun system was changed for the Kumi (unit of several villages) system in the Uwajima Clan. Then Meiji Restoration changed the Kuni into the Prefectures. Tada's rural 4 villages turned into the end organization of the Modern State as new Tada-village, Uwa-town, Seiyo-city, and it seems that the people have lost their autonomy at all. But people's self governance stays now in their daily human relationships, not combine enough with the local autonomy's reformations. So it is necessary to interface with each other to develop mutually the local sovereign power. The Tada people's motto for their life-philosophy is “Freedom, Justice and Friendship” which was taught by the President of Tada Junior High in the age of 1953-63.
今里 悟之
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.21, no.1, pp.26-36, 2014-10-25 (Released:2015-12-15)
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This paper examined the relationship within a Japanese village on Hirado Island in Nagasaki Prefecture between the frequency of managerial elections to a Christian lay assembly as the critical social status and the following class factors: the frequency of such elections in a neighborhood association, household economic status, and resident personal attributes. Based mainly on local village historical documents from 1930 to 2009, we used multiple regression analysis and investigated the career patterns of the heads of each household of the village’s self-government. In this village, this study did not observe any clear correlations between elections to lay managers in the church and such social class factors as economic status, level of education, and age. In contrast, we found a correlation between management careers in the church and in the neighborhood association. We classified these career patterns into eight types, only three of which include the elections of lay managers in the church.
池上 甲一
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.25, no.1, pp.17-34, 2018-10-25 (Released:2019-11-05)

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, including sustainable development goals(SDGs). They succeeded in obtaining an agreement on the importance of sustainability as the principle of the earth community including the Global North. This paper aims at creating sustainability science of agriculture and rural community. First, this paper analyzes the development process of Sustainable Development concept that originated from the World Commission on Environment and Development. Second, this paper examines the characteristics of SDGs, namely (1) its comprehensiveness and absorption of even controversy matters, (2) parting from ‘trickle-down’ theory by highlighting individual person through announcement of ‘Leaving No One Left Behind’, (3) agreement from both the Global North and South, and(4) medium- and long-term scope for realizing sustainability. It is well known that agriculture holds sustainability in nature because it is based on the vitality of life. The important factors of realizing vitality of life include ‘cycle of being’ based on material cycle and diverse relations in ‘eco-tope.’ Thus, this paper also analyzes how sustainability has decreased in the modernization process. However, recently, sustainability in agriculture has been re-evaluated, as is shown by organic farming movement and eco-farming. Finally, this paper examines farming with creatures in Japan as a good example of sustainable agriculture. Based on its purpose, farming with creatures is categorized into three types: (1) branding and marketing strategy-oriented farming, (2) alternative agriculture in terms of technology transformation for the conservation of habitat and partial substitution of farm practice, and (3) gathering creatures as food and daily joys. Farming with creatures gives us a good clue to create sustainability science in agriculture and rural community.
藤原 厚作
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-12, 2019-10-25 (Released:2020-11-09)

In recent years, advanced agricultural technology continues to develop rapidly, where the voice of farmers is often not taken into consideration. Therefore, it is important to consider the relationship between agricultural technology and farmers’ agency. This paper focuses on the agency of farmers and their use of agricultural technology and investigates how the relationship between pesticide use in rice cultivation and the farmer’s decision-making has changed. In a case study, this paper focuses on the Reduced-Pesticide Movement which started in Fukuoka prefecture in the late 1970s. This movement centered on reclaiming the agency of farmers in choosing whether or not to reduce pesticide use in rice paddy fields. The interviews were conducted to several farmers actively involved in the movement and agricultural extension officers related to rice production. Drawing from the social shaping of technology approach, this paper analyzed the trajectory of this movement by mapping out the various interactions among different players, materials, and structural constraints. In the post war era, many farmers lacked knowledge on pest management and were dependent on extension officers who advised strict pesticide application schedules. In the beginning of reduced-pestiside movement, the Mushimiban (a tool for observing insects) was created to allow farmers to make their own decision in regards to pesticide application. In addition, changes in Japan’s rice policy promoted the production of reduced-pesticide rice, and eventually resulted in the development of reduced-pesticide brand. Previously, farmers believed that using pesticide in the rice farming was inevitable. After the experience of movement for reducing pesticide, some farmers began to produce organic rice, while other farmers used pesticides depending on the unique conditions of their paddy fields.
蔭木 達也
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.26, no.2, pp.13-25, 2020-04-25 (Released:2021-04-09)

In 1925, Japan implemented universal manhood suffrage, which motivated the creation of "Farmer’s Self-government" (Nōmin-Jichi) concept for anti-parliamentary democracy movement. This thesis reveals essential part of the concept, by analyzing the usage and the difference of definition between each advocate. First, Yasaburō Shimonaka proposed the words "Farmer’s Self-government" with reference to Non-Partisan League (NPL) in United States. His purpose was criticizing intellectualistic and capitalistic parliamentary democracy, and to find alternative way of the democracy. The members of Nōmin-Jichi, such as Shimonaka, Tēsuke Shibuya, Inosuke Nakanishi and Aikoku Takeuchi emphasized that the constitution of "Farmer’s Self-government" was brought from double antagonism. One is between the city and the village, the other is between the government and self-government. They aimed the self-government for/by the farmers in the village, instead of universal suffrage. Second, in Nōmin, Ken'ichi Yarita inherited the concept from Nōmin-Jichi. His anarcho-communism argumentation, referring Leo Tolstoy, idealized the new society which everyone has land ownership and becomes farmer. For Yarita, "Farmer’s Self-Government" became the key concept of leading whole proletariat, not only farmers, forward his ideology. Finally, Shigeru Inuta, a member of Nōmin, made the concept the new socialism theory for revolution. He designed the "World Union" of "Autonomous Rural Communities" as the ideal society, which was suitable for Japanese rural area. He also showed how to start the revolution toward "Farmer’s Self-government". However, Inuta's idea was suppressed in 1933, thus the development of the thought of "Farmer’s Self-government" had ended up without any demonstration. In conclusion, this research proves that "Farmer’s Self-government", from antiparliamentary democracy to "Autonomous Rural Community", was an equivalent substantial thought to anarchism or agriculturalism in the same era; against previous research analyses which show "Farmer’s Self-government" is the ambiguous concept. Moreover, changing the thought of "Farmer’s Self-government" had been led by a lot of advocates. That shows the self-governmental way of making a thought without authoritarian theory.
植田 今日子
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.14, no.1, pp.13-22, 2007 (Released:2012-10-19)
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The purpose of this paper is to examine a meaning of preservation of folk rituals. In Japan, not a few traditional rituals are held in depopulated rural areas where the communities themselves are having difficulty to remain. Meanwhile, the traditional rituals, which originally were a part of people's daily life, have been attempted to preserve as important cultural heritage or tourist attractions. Thus, the traditional rituals are encouraged to show more people and last as long as possible. However, as is often the case with cultural heritage, the more intentionally they try to preserve their traditional rituals, the more alienated from the rituals they become. What does the “preservation”mean for the people who actually perform the rituals? This paper refers to a small community which refused to “preserve” their traditional dance, Taiko-odori. Because of severe depopulation, their dance was to vanish in near future. Hence their neighbor communities suggested to “preserve” the Taiko-odori by increasing the members of dancers and performing it altogether. Although the Taiko-odori used to be often performed outside of the community, they refused this suggestion. Paradoxically, the community's decision was to perform the Taiko-odori by themselves until when the performers decrease to two as their ancestors' tradition. For the people in this severely depopulating community, the preservation of their traditional ritual was not to merely prolong the history of the dance nor to increase the performers, but to vanish it by themselves in near future. As a conclusion, even if the traditional rituals were valuable enough to attract tourists or to be preserved as cultural heritage, they cannot be essentially preserved when a social order of performer community is invaded.
今井 良一
村落社会研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18824560)
vol.16, no.2, pp.20-32, 2010 (Released:2013-01-18)

The objective of this article is to show how easily and quickly the 3-year-long farming training for Japanense youth pioneering brigades in Manchuria failed and how foolhardly the project was. The training institutions were essential for smoothly establishing large-scale agriculture. In those days, Japanese peasants in Japan never desired large-scale agricultural management. Japanese youth pioneering brigades entered the agricultural training institutions in Manchuria. The groups were organized by people from various prefectures (the hybrid squadrons). The hybrid squadrons were sent to Manchuria yearly from 1938 to 1940. This was one way to deal with the agricultural failures of experimental groups of adult emigrant groups, who went to Manchuria from 1932 to 1935. The colonization was carried out to make the colonists carry part of the burden of controlling Manchuria and defending against the Soviet Union, and to establish a self-supporting buffer state. In order to establish agricultural management as demanded by agricultural policy, it was essential to establish a system of cooperation. Especially in case of emigration of youth pioneering brigades, the cooperation of the peasants and their families was essential. But, in the hybrid squadrons, the following items 1-4 failed: (1) establishment of strong leadership, (2) formation of a group consciousness that could work in agriculture, (3) learning agricultural skills in Manchuria, and (4) establishing a lifestyle suitable for the Manchurian climate. At last, the training failed, and the agricultural settlements didn’t come into existence. On the contrary, in the emigration of youth pioneering brigades in the hybrid squadrons, because they were underage and immature in body and mind, the establishment of the above-mentioned items (1) through (4) was much more difficult than for the adult immigrant groups. As a result, their ability in agriculture already declined before their movement to settlements, and it was far inferior to the adult emigrants who formed settlements as soon as they settled in Manchuria.