鈴木 毅彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.122, no.6, pp.1088-1098, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-01-16)
1 6

This paper reviews historical volcanic disasters that have affected the Tokyo Metropolitan area and its surroundings, central Japan, and discusses the dangers of volcanic disasters occurring in future. The 1707 (Hoei) eruption of Fuji volcano, the 1783 (Tenmei) eruption of Asama volcano, and the so-called Kanto Loam, volcanic soil deposits containing large quantities of Holocene to Pleistocene fall-out tephras, suggest the potential hazards that originate from volcanic activities. Small to moderate eruptions (VEI 1 to 2) of Asama volcano have resulted in minor ash falls in and around Tokyo every one to two decades. It is most likely that Asama volcano will generate minor ash falls in the near future. Volcanic disasters caused by larger but rare eruptions of VEI 4 to 5 are considered, referring to the 1707 (Hoei) eruption of Fuji volcano, and measures and predictions for the next eruption of Fuji volcano. In this paper, volcanic disasters affecting Tokyo in the near future are not only those caused by ash falls but also those caused by lahar along the Tone, Edo, Sakawa, and Sagami rivers related to Asama, Haruna, and Fuji volcanoes, because the landform developments of these areas in Holocene and historical disasters suggest that these drainage basins have the potential for lahar disasters. In addition, more severe eruptions of VEI 6 to 7 are considered for their impacts and frequencies referring to geological records of air-fall tephras and/or pyroclastic flow deposits such as VEI 6 Hakone-Tokyo tephra (ca. 66 ka) and VEI 7 Aira-Tn tephra (ca. 29 ka).


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箱根山は6万6千年前に火山爆発指数VEI=6のカルデラ噴火が起こっている。これは1991年のピナツボ山と同じで、約7万年周期のこの規模の噴火が今起これば首都圏は壊滅だろう。そんなことを国民が知れば東京の地価はガタ落ちなので、だから学校で教えないのだ。 https://t.co/LV9hUZsIcK
@gaolay @nnmtng さっきの論文見ると、紀伊半島〜四国って第四紀火山が無いんですね。阿蘇や姶良が噴火したら火山灰くらいは降りそうですけど。 https://t.co/gH5spDHBmP
箱根火山の活動が活発化。箱根は約6.6万年前に大噴火を起こし、東京にも多量の軽石が降下したが、その後は相対的に平穏。このような東京周辺に影響を与えた火山噴火の歴史と今後の展望を、首都大の鈴木毅彦氏が二年前にまとめている。論文の pdf http://t.co/tCx7DfX7B8
カルデラ破局噴火の一つ、アカホヤテフラ噴火による縄文文化への影響を調べていたら、こんな論文を見つけるなど。 東京とその周辺における火山災害の歴史と将来、地学雑誌、122:1088-1098. https://t.co/7Nbs0ZXwHu
01/23 【火山学】 地学雑誌 新刊情報:東京とその周辺における火山災害の歴史と将来(鈴木 毅彦著) https://t.co/SpeUUREeDI   特集号:東京ー過去・現在・未来ーの中の総説。オープンアクセス。

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