河合 広 本田 嘉秀 森嶋 弥重 古賀 妙子 木村 雄一郎 西脇 安
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.3, no.2, pp.273-279, 1968 (Released:2010-03-15)

We have observed properties of radioactive fallout originated from the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth Chinese nuclear explosions. The differences in gross beta-activities, activities per unit volume and their particle sizes of highly radioactive particles are discussed with relation to the differences in burst conditions among the five explosions from which they originated.It was found that radioactivities of the highly radioactive particles were roughly proportional to their volumes. The differences in the radioactive decay rates of highly radioactive fallout particles were found in connection with their colors.From the results of decay characteristics of gross beta-activities and γ-ray spectra of fallout samples, it was found that the contribution of radioactivities of 239Np in samples from the fifth Chinese explosion was larger than that from the third Chinese explosion.In comparison between the γ-ray spectra of highly radioactive fallout particles from the third and the fifth Chinese explosions, the particles from the third Chinese explosion were enriched in 95Zr+95Nb and impoverished in 103Ru, while on the particles from the fifth Chinese explosion, the reverse of phenomenon above mentioned was observed.


外部データベース (DOI)

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> 中国核実験による放射性降下物の観測 これは風評ではなく学術論文。 東トリキスタンで46回も地上核実験をして前放射能を大気中に拡散させた国が言うな! https://t.co/Lca1oTcS4o
中国人 核実験しといて放射性物質をそのまま放置しているみたいだけど  日本の海洋放出って言えるのかね? この核実験で飛散した核物質が世界に飛散しているわけだけどどう責任取ったんですかね? https://t.co/nyxvxPKpfE

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