平野 滋 児嶋 久剛 庄司 和彦 金子 賢一 楯谷 一郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.93, no.1, pp.53-60, 2000-01-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
4 2

We assessed the surgical effects of Isshiki's thyroplasty on 10 functional voice disorder patients including seven with mutational voice disorder, two with spasmodic dysphonia and one with asthenic voice disorder. Our concept is to select and combine proper surgical procedures according to the laryngeal findings of each case. We conveyed thyroplasty type I and III for six patients, and type II and III for one with mutational voice disorder. For spasmodic dysphonia, thyroplasty type II and III was performed in one case with atrophy of the vocal folds accompanied by contraction of false vocal folds during phonation, while type II thyroplasty was selected for the other case without vocal fold atrophy and supraglottic contraction. One asthenic voice disorder was treated with thyroplasty type II and III. We showed the efficiency of framework surgery for functional voice disorders and discussed how to select the type of thyroplasty for each case.


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