黒田 登志雄 入沢 寿美 大川 章哉
日本結晶成長学会誌 (ISSN:03856275)
vol.6, no.3-4, pp.44-50, 1979-12-25 (Released:2017-05-31)

When a polyhedral crystal grows from solution in a stable way, the supersaturation is not uniform over its interface (Berg effect). The rate of stable growth of a cubic crystal is determined by numerical calculations, by taking account of three dimensional diffusion field surrounding it and growth kinetics on the interface. It depends on the supersaturation σ_∞ at infinity as well as the crystal size L. Then, the shape stability is discussed. It is shown that a catastrophe occurs first at the center of the face, and the curve of stability limit, σ_∞ versus L, is obtained.


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骸晶って初めて聞きました。面白い。 少し調べるてみると、ベルグ効果なるものが出てきて、これにより骸晶が出来ると言われているようです。 (1)https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjacg/6/3-4/6_KJ00003715169/_pdf/-char/ja の2頁目、図2の説明にベルグ効果による骸晶の生成機構が述べられています。 ベルグ効果に ...

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