黒田 長禮
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.1, no.1, pp.57-61, 1950-08-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

Most of the Japanese ichthyologists consider that Bembrops caudimacula is confined to the near coasts of Honsiu, Shikoku, Kiusiu and Formosa. As already pointed out by Alcock (1902). B. caudimacuta has wide but isolate distribution from the seas of Japan, the Bay of Bengal, the Gulf of Mexico and to off the Atlantic coasts of North America.The present author has examined and sketched an adult specimen (total length 245 mm.) taken near Heda, Suruga Bay, and compared it with figures of specimens of Goode & Bean (1895) and Alcock (1902). From the result of the comparison the author finds that two figures used by the above gentlemen are no doubt junenile examples with short first dorsal spine and with a fine eye-like dark spot on the upper side near the base of the caudal fin. The adult specimen from Suruga Bay, however, has a rather elongate and curved first dorsal spine, and has no eye-like spot on the upper side near the base of the caudal, while it has a dark longitudinal band on the lower margin of the caudal.Moreover, the author points out the individual variation concerning the number, of dorsal spines and number of scales on lateral line.The two scientific names: Hypeicometes gobioides Goode (1880) and Bathypercis platyrhynchus Alcock have thus become pure synonyms of Bembrops caudimacula of Steindachner (1876).


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