村瀬 研也
公益社団法人 日本医学物理学会
医学物理 (ISSN:13455354)
vol.36, no.1, pp.55-61, 2016-05-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

Partial differential equations are often used in the field of medical physics. In this (final) issue, the methods for solving the partial differential equations were introduced, which include separation of variables, integral transform (Fourier and Fourier-sine transforms), Green's function, and series expansion methods. Some examples were also introduced, in which the integral transform and Green's function methods were applied to solving Pennes' bioheat transfer equation and the Fourier series expansion method was applied to Navier-Stokes equation for analyzing the wall shear stress in blood vessels.Finally, the author hopes that this series will be helpful for people who engage in medical physics.


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@yuzuki_yomuaka 例えば、拍動流における血管の壁面せん断応力は、NS使ってモデリングしてベッセル関数を用いて表されるし、さらにそれを位相コントラスト核磁気共鳴画像法での測定値をフーリエ級数展開することによって、健常者との比較もできるね https://t.co/cDgu2d4e8s
村瀬 研也, 連載 医学物理における微分方程式の利用と解法(4), 医学物理, 2016, 36 巻, 1 号, p. 55-61, 公開日 2016/11/30, Online ISSN 2186-9634, Print ISSN 1345-5354, https://t.co/X4SARwfHUb, https://t.co/QmztwComWA
村瀬 研也, 連載 医学物理における微分方程式の利用と解法(4), 医学物理, 2016, 36 巻, 1 号, p. 55-61, 公開日 2016/11/30, Online ISSN 2186-9634, Print ISSN 1345-5354, https://t.co/X4SARwfHUb, https://t.co/QmztwComWA

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