太田 美鈴 高橋 由里 深水 啓朗 伴野 和夫 岩田 政則 日高 慎二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.36, no.6, pp.425-435, 2010 (Released:2012-03-09)

Very little information is provided with OTC drugs and unlike prescription products,they do not have package inserts or interview forms.The purpose of this study was to examine the stability of 5 acetaminophen-containing OTC drugs by observing temporal changes in their characteristic physico-pharmaceutical parameters (hardness,mass,elution,drug migration) when they were preserved under conditions in which temperature and humidity were altered.From the results,it was assumed that 3 of the 5 drugs were affected by temperature and humidity,and that it was difficult to maintain stability when they were taken out of their packages.In particular,the drugs seemed to be more adversely affected the higher the temperature was and changes in parameters were greater.Also,the results of an elution test conducted after 24 hours of storage suggested that there was deterioration in 3 of the products.In conclusion,our findings clearly showed that patients need adequate explanation on how to keep OTC drugs.


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