永田 将司 岩切 智美 奥村 学 有森 和彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.5, pp.289-295, 2011 (Released:2012-08-02)

Pharmacists can play a significant role in medical care by helping to ensure the proper use of drugs, and a knowledge of pharmacokinetics is indispensable for this. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is a pharmacy practice that involves the full use of such knowledge. Practical training in TDM in pharmacist education should thus be an optimal way acquiring skill in applying pharmacokinetics knowledge in the clinical setting. However, in the Model Core Curriculum for practical training at hospitals implemented in 2010, there is only 1 specific behavioral objective (SBO) concerning TDM, and only 1 day is given to training on TDM. With this in mind, we developed an original experience-based TDM curriculum that includes 5-days of practical training. The curriculum was introduced for students in the 2010 pharmaceutical internship to evaluate its components.All students who took our curriculum considered that the 1-day of TDM training stipulated in the Model Core Curriculum was not sufficient, and that around 5 days of training, the period we have set, would be necessary. They also indicated a high level of satisfaction with it, viewing the training components as appropriate. These findings suggest that our curriculum would be effective.


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