植沢 芳広 内田 明宏 小山 茜 宇田川 三男 武田 直子 富澤 崇
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.4, pp.215-221, 2014-04-10 (Released:2015-04-10)
3 3

Patients' waiting times in a community pharmacy closely correlate with prescription dispensing times. Therefore, to decrease patients' stress and present an index in dispensing operations, various factors affecting prescription dispensing were analyzed, and a time-prediction model was constructed. The time from when a prescription was accepted (ie, handed in by a patient) to its checking, as well as time-factors affecting dispensing and checking, were measured at Kitayurakucho Pharmacy. Additional aspects were taken into account, such as: acceptance time, whether questions needed to be asked of the prescribing physician, medicine-counting, number of pharmacists present, and number of patients in the waiting area. Thereafter, a statistical prediction model for waiting time was constructed. It was found that drug counting and congestion level significantly related to waiting time. A multivariate regression model with two such parameters indicated a highly accurate prediction level. It is expected that prediction of the waiting time with this model will be useful for alleviation of the patients' stress.


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薬局での疑義照会は患者待ち時間を有意に延長する。 医療薬学Vol. 40 (2014) No. 4 P 215-221 https://t.co/CKpvkL7kkp 難しいところよなぁ。僕も薬局勤務時代は結構悩んだよ。

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