合田 和史 林 秀樹 加藤 優 上村 里菜 北夕 太郎 岩本 理央 近藤 剛弘 杉山 正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.44-49, 2015-01-10 (Released:2016-01-15)

In Japan, the online distribution of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs began in June 2014. A distributor has a duty to explain information about drugs to consumers, as well as to provide OTC drugs that have undergone quality control. In this study, we investigated the method of identifying health conditions of customers and the delivery channels of OTC drugs from the distributors to consumers, using 130 online stores as our sample. First-class OTC drugs were sold at 29 stores; pharmacists are required to explain information about these drugs to consumers. All the stores set up a column on which consumers could select their health conditions on a computer screen. However, in 25 of the stores, “no problem” had been inserted in the column beforehand. This meant that consumers could buy first-class OTC drugs without indicating their health conditions. Felbinac-containing poultices, which are contraindicated for pregnant women, were sold at 99 stores. However, consumers could buy the poultices at 91 stores without providing information about pregnancy. All the stores delivered OTC drugs through home delivery services, which did not store the drugs in cool conditions. In addition, some stores delivered suppositories by mail services in summer. These findings suggest the need for online distribution of OTC drugs to incorporate an improved method of providing drug information to consumers and ensuring quality control.


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