池見 酉次郎
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.30, no.3, pp.251-260, 1990-04-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

Since the fourth Congress of ICPM (1977,Kyoto) psychosomatic medicine has advanced to a core approach in clinical medicine which follows the biopsychosocioethical medical model. I wish to focus my speech to the holistic awareness which can be the root of holistic medicine and the root of Oriental somatopsychic self-control which plays an essential part in the enlargement of experiential level by the dissolution of alexithymia, alexisomia and alexicosmia. Soon after I introduced Prof. P. Sifneos's concept of "alexithymia" to Japan, I noticed that in many cases of alexithymia there also seemed to be a difficulty in the awareness and expression of bodily feelings and the natural order implicit in the body. I have coined the term "alexisomia" to designate a condition, where certain persons have difficulty in expressing how their bodies feel, and the term "alexicosmia" to designate a condition marked by a lack of awa-reness to the natural order. Recent development of biofeedback has revealed that the facilitation of bodily feelings by means of biofeedback system helps the conscious self-control of visceral organs. Through such a research it has been found that Oriental systems of concentration help our healthy self-control through the similar psychophysiological mechanism to biofeedback. On the other hand, various ASC methods have been used for the purpose of deepening the experiential level since Freud's psychoanalysis under the hypnotic state. We have found that Oriental meditations such as Zazen, Qi-gong etc. induce the normal state of consciousness instead of altered states of consciousness induced by hypnosis, autogenic trainilng, TM etc.. "The full awakening of the whole person to reality" (E. Fromm) which is the basis of the true health and self-actualization can be achieved through the normal state of consciousness. Since the fourth Congress of ICPM, I have proposed that various Western psychotherapies such as counseling, behavior therapy, psychoanalysis, existential analysis etc. become truly effective when they are performed in combination with Oriental systems of selfcontrol which enlarge the experiential level under the normal state of consciousness. For this purpose we have developed a system of self-regulation by introducing three secrets of Zazen (regulation of posture, breathing and mind) which consists of static, dynamic and artistic styles. Dynamic and artistic styles are often far superior to a static style in the dissolution of alexithymia, alexisomia and alexicosmia. In recent years, more and more Western people are becoming interested in Oriental philosophy and meditation which help us realize the true nature of human beings without much contradication to modern sciences. Under these circumstances, we are making efforts to formulate a Japanese system of holistic medicine on the foundation of Oriental philosophy and methods of self-control which may contribute to the exploitation of a way to the solution of world crisis in this century.


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