石田 鉄光
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.39, no.5, pp.939-947, 1995-10-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

At present, immersion in anantiseptic solution is the most common method of sterilizing an impression. However, it is known that immersion in an antiseptic solution would have adverse effects on the accuracy and surface property of the impression. Thus it has been demanded that a sterilization method having no adverse effects on impressions be devised. In this study, the effects of impression materials on ultraviolet irradiation and those of ultraviolet irradiation on impressionswere evaluated using ultraviolet rays ith a wave length of 253.7 nm.The results were as follows:1. Irradiation at 7, 000μW/cm2 showed a more stable sterilization ffect than that at 1, 000 μ/W/cm2.2. In ultraviolet irradiation at 1, 000μW/cm2 for 30 seconds, viable cells of the indicator strain were significantly less on the silicone ubber impression than on the alginate impression (p<0.01).3. In ultraviolet irradiation at 7, 000μW/cm2 for 5, 10, 15 and 20 seconds, viable cells of the indicator strain were significantly less on the silicone rubber impression than on the alginate impression (p<0.01).4. On observation of the impression surface after ultraviolet irradiation under scanning electron microscopy, the number of cells of the indicator strain were found to have decreased.


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@DomperiP3 @hatecomplainer @mask_passenger 2)Siに 対 す る紫外 線殺 菌効 果 照射 時 間0秒 か ら5秒 の間 で生 残菌 数 の大幅 な減 少 が認め られ た.照 射 時 間5秒 か ら20秒 の 間 で は,生 残 菌 数 の減少 す る割 合 は低下 す る ものの,直 線 的 に減少 す る傾 向が認 め られ た。https://t.co/iT23KrQVhN
太陽光というか紫外線当てれば大抵の細菌、細胞は死ぬ 人間だって日焼けで癌になるし と思って調べたらメカニズム分かってないのね。有機物って結構紫外領域の吸収多いからそれでラジカルなり発生してブチブチに切れてるんかと思ってた RT https://t.co/k41XM6bEiy https://t.co/VBMHGCPovM
歯科医院で型取りに使うアルギン酸塩とシリコン印象材では耐性黄色ブドウ球菌使った実験に於いて同様に紫外線を照射した場合、菌の生存に差が。 素材や紫外線の波長などの条件次第で差があるから単純に日光で新型コロナ不活性化とは思わない方が良い…手洗い外出自粛の勝利。 https://t.co/m64MXrHODi https://t.co/4G9UVMgvXQ
こんなPDFみつけた。 紫外線殺菌の効果 に関す る研究― アル ギ ン酸塩 印象材 ・シ リコー ンラバ ー 印象材 につ いて―https://t.co/CmpqPAiXhQ
上記、石田氏論文 URL/PDF https://t.co/DsZxcZBJap

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