淵本 恵 辻 智美 貝尻 望 藤本 将志 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.16, pp.101-107, 2016 (Released:2016-12-29)

In this report, we describe the physical therapy prescribed for a patient with right hemiplegia following cerebral hemorrhage. The patient had difficulty in swinging off the toes because of right hip flexion during walking. This posture did not allow sufficient right hip joint extension from the right loading response to mid stance. In the left swing phase, right hip joint medial rotation from the flexion position caused her trunk to lean forward. She recovered to the right rear direction by right lateral bending and extension of the thoracic and lumbar spine, and right shoulder extension. Even in the terminal stance, right hip joint flexion persisted. The patient increased her right hip joint flexion in the right swing phase. Her walk weight movement was insufficient because right hip joint flexure was increased in the right terminal stance. As a result, the right foot caught on the floor during the right swing. We regarded gluteus maximus weakness to be the chief issue causing right hip joint flexion in the stance phase and conducted physiotherapy accordingly. We report the progress in gait improvement as a result of the prescribed physiotherapy.


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P:60歳代女性、左被殻出血右片麻痺者 I:右下肢の振り出しの改善を治療目標として介入 C:治療前後を比較(2w) O:筋緊張、ROM、MAS →主要問題点を大殿筋下部線維の筋緊張低下とし、右立脚初期から中期における股関節伸展を促すことで、右下肢の振り出しの改善が得られた https://t.co/PG6bv0k6y1
P:60歳代女性、左被殻出血、右片麻痺 I:立脚初期〜中期にかけてみられる右股関節屈曲位に対して、右大殿筋下部線維の筋緊張低下の改善から介入 C:治療前後と比較(2週間) O:ROM、筋緊張検査(MAS)、感覚検査 →右股関節の伸展が得られ、右下肢の遊脚が容易となった https://t.co/PG6bv0k6y1

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